
Month/Year- January 2011
Name of Book – No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs
Author – Dan Kennedy
Fitness Pros Top 3 Key Points:
Posted on: February 1st, 2011 by IYCA 3 Comments
Month/Year- January 2011
Name of Book – No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs
Author – Dan Kennedy
Posted on: January 26th, 2011 by IYCA No Comments
There is an unbelievable buzz at IYCA Head Office that, quite frankly, I haven’t seen in a very long time – the whole Fitness and Sport Training industry is lighting up over this new certification!
(See what all the buzz is about by clicking here —> https://iyca.org/highschool/)
And why wouldn’t they be?
After all:
You receive a certification and gain credentials to work with the fastest growing and most ‘in need’ demographic in the entire sports training industry.
You learn the inside secret systems for training high school athletes by some of the most successful Coaches on the planet (Eric Cressey, Mike Robertson, Wil Fleming).
But perhaps the most important reason…
The lynchpin that is making it so practically every single Coach and Trainer worldwide wants to become a certified “High School Strength & Conditioning Coach”?
Because it’s a Risk Free (more…)
Posted on: January 20th, 2011 by IYCA 2 Comments
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Did you miss last night’s recording?
No worries!
The complete recording AND PDF transcript of every word that was said is yours… For no charge!
Just click here —> https://iyca.org/highschool/
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Posted on: January 13th, 2011 by IYCA 20 Comments
Great fitness professionals that have a passion for youth fitness training are needed now more than ever! Childhood Obesity is on the rise and so is the negative impact that this epidemic has on the youth.
I can share with you firsthand what it is like to be overweight as a child and have to suffer though the negative comments and teasing. Luckily I was an athlete so I was able to hide behind my talents on the field and court, but there are many kids that aren’t afforded that luxury.
The impact that youth fitness training can have in our society today is huge. Not only is this one of the fastest growing industries but it is also one of the most needed!
Here are just a few reasons why we need more youth fitness training programs today:
– The path to obesity starts prior to children transitioning to a diet of solid foods
– 34% of 2-year-olds are obese or overweight. That’s a scary Childhood Obesity statistic.
– The CDC reports that childhood obesity has tripled over the past 3 decades
Those are upsetting statistics to say the least.
However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Fitness professionals get into this industry to help others and what better way to have a huge impact than to change the way our youth fitness training programs are run.
Kids no longer get adequate physical education time in schools and they certainly don’t play enough outdoors. They are pinned down in front of televisions, video games and other mindless forms of entertainment to keep them busy.
There was never a need for youth fitness training programs when kids played, but now there is a need. A big one!
If you have a passion for working with youth and would like to start your youth fitness training program, click the image below to check out the Youth Fitness Specialist Certification and start making an impact today!
Posted on: November 30th, 2010 by IYCA 1 Comment
The ‘Complete Athlete Development‘ System…
Now 100% Digital (So You Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS)
And Yours for Only $97…
Click Here Right Now —>http://completeathletedevelopment.com/cad/digital
“When I read Brian’s ‘Speed & Movement Techniques’ chapter in his Complete Athlete Development Program, I knew that I was on to something very special…
… When I watched the corresponding DVD’s, I realized in an instance that the techniques and progressions he was showing were going to make my athletes the fastest and most agile in the game…
… I was right!”
I received that email from Heath Croll about 3 years ago.
My ‘Complete Athlete Development’ system was brand-new and I was anxious for feedback.
It’s one thing to coach successfully for 10 years, it’s another thing altogether to put your system on paper and ask people to believe in it.
But believe in it they did.
Fitness Professionals, Strength Coaches, High School Coaches – even Parents and Athletes!
Posted on: November 23rd, 2010 by IYCA No Comments
As you saw in my post from yesterday, the IYCA’s mission from Day 1 has been to provide world-class educational solutions for Fitness Professionals who work with any and all young people.
Our recent ‘Special Needs youth Fitness‘ course is an example of that commitment.
But consider this….
We don’t ‘dabble’ in youth as a secondary target for our educational material.
We don’t offer other options for certification.
We don’t brand ourselves as anything other than exactly what we are…
Posted on: September 17th, 2010 by IYCA 2 Comments
Last November, a good buddy of mine who is a very accomplished college strength coach came up to Boston for a seminar we put organized on a Sunday. He actually flew up Friday night so that he could observe on Saturday while we trained our clients – which was a nice blend of youth training, high school, college, and professional athletes, plus our adult clientele. All told, I’d say that high school athletes are 70% of our clientele.
That Tuesday morning, I woke up to this email from him:
Posted on: March 9th, 2009 by IYCA No Comments
Leadership is something that gets spoken about quite a bit in the
fitness, athlete development and sport training world.
But what is a leader?
What are leadership qualities?
I found it interesting when thinking about the tone and content of
this article to realize that we often completely misunderstand the
word as well as its meaning.
We always think of ‘leadership’ as the ACT of being in charge of
a group and perhaps becoming their mentor.
But upon reflection, I had an awakening.
True leadership isn’t simply about ACTING as a leader or mentor.
It’s the essence of being ABLE to.
Do you have the ABILITY to lead?
Posted on: January 16th, 2009 by IYCA No Comments
Short and to the point.
I may even say something that offends you.
But in the end, trust me when I say you need to hear this…
You don’t make enough money.
You simply don’t earn what you’re worth.
That’s not a matter of greed or indulgence.
It’s just a fact.
Worth more than $4 billion annually in the United States alone.
Parents are willing to pay top dollar for Personal Trainers who
can rid their children of excess body weight.
Parents are happy to shell out thousands to qualified Performance
Coaches in order to improve their child’s athletic ability.
And yet there you sit.
Wondering why you’re still working from 5am – 8pm as a Fitness
Professional, training unmotivated and unhappy adults.
Jealous as you read the stories of other professionals who
have found the fitness training for youth ‘system’ to success and are now working
less hours for more money.
Concerned if all your effort and passion for this industry is
ever going to be enough and finally provide the career you
so desperately want… and need.
All religious aspects of this story aside, I’m sure you’ve heard
this tale before –
A town was flooding and its citizens were evacuating with
great haste.
One man decided not to.
He opted to stay in his home and wait for God’s help.
As the water rose, he was forced to climb on top of his roof.
While there, another man in a row boat came by.
"The town is flooding. Here, get in my row boat and I’ll take
you to safety."
"No thanks" said the man. "God will help me. I am waiting
for Him."
A few minutes later, an emergency craft sailed by.
"The town is flooding" the officer said. "Let us throw you a
line and we can take you to safety".
"No thanks" said the man. "God will help me. I am waiting
for Him."
Several minutes later a helicopter flew by and paused over
the man’s house.
From the speaker, the pilot called down.
"The town is flooding. Let me cast down a rope for you. I
will fly you to safety."
"No thanks" said the man. "God will help me. I am waiting
for Him."
Not too long after that, the man drowned.
When he arrived in Heaven, he said to God, "I believed in
you. Why didn’t you save me?"
God answered.
"I sent you a row boat, an emergency ship and a helicopter.
What more do you want from me?"
You don’t earn the living you deserve.
You don’t have the career you want.
And yet the youth niche is flourishing.
You need new information, a fresh perspective and exact
blueprints of success from some of the most successful Fitness Training For Youth
professionals in this industry.
I write you emails.
I tell you what you’re going to be missing by not coming to
the IYCA International Summit in February.
More than 150 other professionals from all over the world
have already registered.
What more do you need to hear?
– Brian
P.S. – Click on the link below to register for my International Summit now –
Posted on: December 15th, 2008 by IYCA No Comments
I’ll be blunt, brief and to the point with this email.
And it’s the same mistake virtually every single Coach and Trainer makes.
It’s got nothing to do with speed, agility, flexibility or strength.
It has nothing to do with sets, reps or program design.
It’s got to do with assessment and training session length.
And I don’t mean the kind of assessment where you take your young
athletes through a specific battery of tests in order to discover any
dysfunctions or asymmetries.
I mean the kind of assessment in which you actually pay attention to
how they feel on a certain day.
That’s your mistake.
You don’t alter your training program on a given day even though on
most days it’s 100% necessary to do so.
We think that the quality of a training session is measured in sweat and
Lots of sweat and tons of hard work = good.
No sweat and minimal work = bad.
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
‘John’ came in for his training session with me this past Saturday morning.
Exhausted from the night before and preparing for a basketball game later
on that day, he just wasn’t ready for the training session that I had planned
for him.
So I scrapped it.
Pure and simple.
Of course I have an agenda for this young man.
Places I need to take him in terms of speed and strength, but I can’t force
him to improve.
More over, I have to hang in the balance the fact that my ultimate goal is
to make him a better athlete – which includes limiting any injury potential
he may be facing.
Here’s the advice that you simply must heed when training young athletes.
And it’s the mistake virtually every Coach and Trainer is making –
What you want to do in a training session doesn’t always matter. You have
to be sure that the organism in front of you in prepared to receive it.
Words to live by.
I will be explaining the key points of this concept at my first annual
International Summit in February of 2009.
Until this Friday (December 19) you can gain access to this event through a
very basic and easy payment plan.
With the Holidays around the corner, no one wants to shell out big bucks for
something other than presents for their loved one’s.
Well, I’ve taken care of that for you with this incredibly easy 3-month
payment plan to assist you with Training Young Athletes.
Have a look for yourself by clicking on this very exclusive link –
‘Till next time,
Posted on: November 25th, 2008 by IYCA No Comments
"I’ve grabbed my copy of Youth Obesity Solution and I hope
everyone on your list does too. No Fitness Professional bent
on improving the health of their community can ignore the dire
plight of the children around them."
I received that email from King Hoover roughly 10 minutes after
sending out my announcement about releasing Youth Obesity Solution yesterday morning.
10 minutes.
He read my newsletter, made the purchase and wrote me that email.
In 10 minutes.
Now, let me paint a picture here for you.
King Hoover attended the first ever Level 1 certification seminar
that I hosted in Chicago this past February.
He has gone on to become Level 2 certified through the IYCA.
He owns my Complete Athlete Development system.
He will be purchasing my ‘Secrets of Program Design’ course next
Now here’s what you may by thinking –
"Of course Brian’s going to talk about this guy. He’s bought every
single product Brian has ever produced"
Fair point.
But you want to know the real reason I’m talking to you about
King Hoover?
Because he has the kind of successful career that virtually every
single Fitness Professional on the planet wants.
A lucrative private training business.
His own radio show.
Investors that believe in him and fund his projects.
He’s a local celebrity in Texas.
He’s ‘made it’ in every way imaginable.
Dare I say…
… He’s got the career you want.
So that’s why I bring him up.
For a guy whose success speaks for itself, he was THE FIRST person
to get their hands on the Youth Obesity Solution program
The very first.
I can tell you this without one shred of indecision, too –
King Hoover will be standing beside me when I change the world of
youth fitness forever.
In fact, we’ll be changing it together.
Because, like me, he knows that a successful career and the ability
to change the world is based on one thing and one thing only…
… Taking action.
After that, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself why you’re
not taking the action necessary to both build the kind of career you’ve
always wanted and change the course of humanity in the meantime.
Here’s your exclusive link –
World Changers and Success-Minded Professionals only please…
Posted on: November 13th, 2008 by IYCA 2 Comments
Okay, so I admit to being overwhelmed.
When I sent yesterday’s email out asking for people to offer
their thoughts on the matter of Kids Fitness Program and ‘training kids under twelve’,
I wasn’t expecting such a huge outpouring of passionate
My blog is loaded with comments.
I received no fewer than 20 emails on the topic.
I even had 4 people call me to tell me what they thought.
The IYCA certainly is comprised of some passionate people…
… And I love that!
And now that we’ve established the fact that training
children under the age of 12 is an absolute must, it begs
the question – how do you do it?
Speed and Agility – How do you teach that to pre-adolescents?
Plyometrics – How much volume, sets or reps?
So while I’m glad that everyone who responded seems to
understand the need for training and instruction with kids
under 12, do they know how to design and implement
programs for this age group?
But it is a very tricky science.
Especially when you factor in the reality that you’re likely
going to be dealing with several kids, all of whom have
different learning styles and abilities, and the potential of
over-zealous Coaches and Parents who are looking for
results NOW… As completely silly as that is.
Here’s a quick crash course for you on how to program for
kids under 12 years old –
:: Always start by arranging your training group into a semi-
circle around you being sure to avoid any natural hierarchy’s
that typically plague this age group
:: Introduce the first exercise being sure to verbally explain and
then visually demonstrate
:: Be positive with all commentary and feedback
:: The program itself should follow this sequence –
a. Coordination 1 (demo)
b. Game Play
c. Coordination 2 (demo)
d. Game Play
e. Technical Instruction
f. Game Play
:: Choose coordination exercise that stimulating any of the
following physical characteristics –
a. Balance
b. Kinesthetic Differentiation
c. Rhythm
d. Spatial Awareness
e. Movement Adequacy
And that’s how you create successful kids fitness program under
the age of 12!
Want the rest of the story?
All the specifics and some samples of how it works?
Click the link below and get your hands on my brand-new Kids Fitness Program
‘Secrets to Program Design’ course.
More than 1,000 Fitness Professionals worldwide have already
purchased this groundbreaking course and have become better
Coaches and Trainers IMMEDIATELY because of it.
Here’s your link –
‘Till next time,
Posted on: November 12th, 2008 by IYCA 43 Comments
I received a very interesting email yesterday regarding children’s fitness.
Dan Coyle, a freelance author who writes for the New York Times among
other publications, recently finished a new book he’d been writing.
He emailed to ask if I would read the manuscript and give him feedback.
I was honored to even be asked and of course said yes.
The book itself – and of course I can’t mention any details since it won’t
published until 2009 – has to do with children’s fitness and being exposed to various
aspects of sport, art, music and other stimulating activities in order to
ensure their proper development and the proper development of the
nervous system at large.
Very much in line with what I stand for in terms of early and multi-faceted
exposure to a wide variety of physical and cognitive stimulus.
Now here’s the interesting thing –
This is in direct contrast to many Fitness Professionals who believe that
you should never ‘train’ or ‘work with’ a child under the age of 12.
Clearly, I disagree for several reasons.
Now I’ve explained my reasons more than once and don’t want to take
up any space doing it again.
Instead, I want to know YOUR thoughts on the matter.
Over the next couple of days, I will take some of the responses I get
and discuss them in emails to you.
So what do you think?
Is early exposure important for children’s fitness or is 12 some kind of magical age we should
wait until?
Click below and let me know….
Posted on: May 6th, 2008 by IYCA 22 Comments
And this was as exclusive an event as I have ever seen.
170+ INVITED guests representing the largest and most influential health clubs and fitness organizations in the world.
And I had a literal ‘birds eye view’ of the entire proceedings.
I was one of only fifteen of the most esteemed and highly decorated fitness professionals to give their thoughts as to where this industry is headed.
And I was absolutely blown away by what I heard.
But are you?
If you plan to be involved in the fitness and sport training industry for any length of time then you need to hear what was said at this conference.
This video is a re-count of what I heard and saw.
The industry is changing and I wanted to give you a private heads up so you don’t get left behind.
Now if you are TRULY serious about your career and being on the forefront of where this industry is going then read this next portion very carefully…
I have created an action plan for you.
You just heard all the new revelations as to where the industry leaders feel they want to take us.
You can spend weeks or even months reacting to the information and trying to formulate a game plan…or you can just listen to me tell you EXACTLY what you need to do next.
The fastest growing industry in the entire world is set to go through an unprecedented revolution…
And this is your ‘ticket’ to make sure you stay ahead of the curve and on the cutting-edge of the market.
Leave your email and name for me in the box below and tomorrow I will email you a complete and utter road map for what you have to do next…