
Archive for “Biggest Mistake” Tag

Getting Your High School Athletes Faster




by Wil Fleming


The biggest mistake in training athletes to get faster.



Both speed and agility are critically important for athletes to be successful on the field. Unfortunately I see plenty of programs or services offered by coaches that are skewed in the wrong direction, they promise to "decrease your 40 time" or "drop your home to first time".  While both of these things are important in the recruitment of athletes, they are not critically important to the performance of athletes.  Training speed and agility in some cases, verges on running some sprints and breaking out the agility ladder.



The Truth About Youth Obesity

Youth Obesity realisations

I’m going to start by telling you what very few other people are willing to…


… The truth is, there should be no incidents of overweight or obese youths
with the exception of those with medical conditions.


There should be no excuse beyond that.


With daily exercise and attention to proper nutrition, obesity and overweight
concerns cease to be problems.


As a matter of fact, the one and only solution to youth obesity and overweight
conditions lies in exercise and good nutrition.


And these things have to become a habit in your life and your child’s.


Because exercise and proper eating are the only methods I advocate, and the only
ones that work, I’m not going to spend time discussing trends, fads, or crazes.


Youth obesity is not a short-term problem



It is not going to resolve itself with a short-term solution.


It’s not about a magic pill. It’s not about restricting calories for a short period of
time or running on a treadmill for as long as you can stand.


It’s about honest to goodness, wholesale life changes, day by day, in small
incremental steps that eventually lead to a large change.


Our biggest mistake was when we started believing and buying into short-term,
lazy, and quick-fix solutions.


We have been naive, and we have been wrong, and look where it’s gotten us.


So, if you’re not prepared to hear the truth, then this free "Final Solution" report
isn’t for you.


This is not going to be a quick-fix solution, but it will be a solution, and a final
one at that.


It’s not going to take enormous amounts of work; in fact, it’s going to take a very
insignificant amount of work day by day.


It’s not quick and it’s not necessarily easy, but it will be effective, and it’s the
solution you’re looking for.



You’re Destroying Young Athletes

Young Athletes Programming

One of my favorite things to do is chat with the ‘big name’ trainers in our industry about programming, speed training, strength development or flexibility for young athletes.


Sometimes, in the middle of a casual conversation about nothing at all related to conditioning, I will switch gears in an instant and turn the discussion to something related to training.


And that’s just what I did with superstar trainer, Alwyn Cosgrove this past weekend.


Alwyn and I are good friends, so it’s not really unusual for us to be chatting about sports or family late in the afternoon on Saturday.


“Ya, baseball doesn’t really do it for me – after all, I’m  Scottish!” Alwyn was telling me.


“Uh huh” I replied, not really listening… I was planning my big move.


“It’s kinda like Cricket I guess, except for a smaller field, smaller bat, different throwing motion, different scoring system… actually, it’s not really like Cricket at all is it?” Alwyn continued on.


“I guess not,” I countered… about ready to evoke my patented conversation-switching technique.


“Ya, and besides, Cricket games can go on for like 4,000 years or something like that.  Rugby, now there’s a game. I remember…” Alwyn stopped mid-sentence – I had finally sprung into action.


“What’s the biggest mistake trainers are making with young athletes in this industry, Al?” I finally asked.


Training Young Athletes: The Biggest Mistake You’re Making




Training Young Athletes Successfully

I’ll be blunt, brief and to the point with this email.


You’re making a big mistake when training young athletes.


And it’s the same mistake virtually every single Coach and Trainer makes.


It’s got nothing to do with speed, agility, flexibility or strength.


It has nothing to do with sets, reps or program design.


It’s got to do with assessment and training session length.


And I don’t mean the kind of assessment where you take your young
athletes through a specific battery of tests in order to discover any
dysfunctions or asymmetries.


I mean the kind of assessment in which you actually pay attention to
how they feel on a certain day.


That’s your mistake.


You don’t alter your training program on a given day even though on
most days it’s 100% necessary to do so.


We think that the quality of a training session is measured in sweat and


Lots of sweat and tons of hard work = good.


No sweat and minimal work = bad.


Nothing could be farther from the truth.


‘John’ came in for his training session with me this past Saturday morning.


Exhausted from the night before and preparing for a basketball game later
on that day, he just wasn’t ready for the training session that I had planned
for him.


So I scrapped it.


Pure and simple.


Of course I have an agenda for this young man.


Places I need to take him in terms of speed and strength, but I can’t force
him to improve.


More over, I have to hang in the balance the fact that my ultimate goal is
to make him a better athlete – which includes limiting any injury potential
he may be facing.


Here’s the advice that you simply must heed when training young athletes.


And it’s the mistake virtually every Coach and Trainer is making –


What you want to do in a training session doesn’t always matter. You have
to be sure that the organism in front of you in prepared to receive it.


Words to live by.


I will be explaining the key points of this concept at my first annual
International Summit in February of 2009.


Until this Friday (December 19) you can gain access to this event through a
very basic and easy payment plan.


With the Holidays around the corner, no one wants to shell out big bucks for
something other than presents for their loved one’s.


Well, I’ve taken care of that for you with this incredibly easy 3-month
payment plan to assist you with Training Young Athletes.


Have a look for yourself by clicking on this very exclusive link –





‘Till next time,

