
Archive for “Path” Tag

Tackling Childhood Obesity With Youth Fitness Training

Why Youth Fitness Training Is Needed Now More Than Ever!

youth fitness training

Great fitness professionals that have a passion for youth fitness training are needed now more than ever! Childhood Obesity is on the rise and so is the negative impact that this epidemic has on the youth.

I can share with you firsthand what it is like to be overweight as a child and have to suffer though the negative comments and teasing. Luckily I was an athlete so I was able to hide behind my talents on the field and court, but there are many kids that aren’t afforded that luxury.

The impact that youth fitness training can have in our society today is huge. Not only is this one of the fastest growing industries but it is also one of the most needed!

youth fitness training

Here are just a few reasons why we need more youth fitness training programs today:

– The path to obesity starts prior to children transitioning to a diet of solid foods

– 34% of 2-year-olds are obese or overweight. That’s a scary Childhood Obesity statistic.

– The CDC reports that childhood obesity has tripled over the past 3 decades

Those are upsetting statistics to say the least.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Fitness professionals get into this industry to help others and what better way to have a huge impact than to change the way our youth fitness training programs are run.

Kids no longer get adequate physical education time in schools and they certainly don’t play enough outdoors. They are pinned down in front of televisions, video games and other mindless forms of entertainment to keep them busy. 

There was never a need for youth fitness training programs when kids played, but now there is a need. A big one!

If you have a passion for working with youth and would like to start your youth fitness training program, click the image below to check out the Youth Fitness Specialist Certification and start making an impact today!

Youth Fitness Training


It’s Not the Values that Matter… It’s the Principles


You can get an ‘A’ by studying the night before, or you can get an ‘A’ by diligently tending to your work all semester.


The fact that the outcome is the same seems to imply that the path doesn’t matter.


But what about when the exam is over?


Study the night before and I guarantee that every piece of information you crammed into your head will be gone inside of 60 minutes post exam.



Study consistently over the semester, and your retention of the material will remain with your forever.


And that is a sizeable difference.



IYCA Passion: Losing Is Your Only Safe Bet



IYCA Criticism is something I’ve just come to accept as part of my job.


It’s far easier to throw a brick at a house than it is to build one yourself.


And thus far since creating and launching the IYCA, I’ve seen firsthand how
that statement is true.


From world-class, big name industry icons to local youth sports Coaches, I
have taken my share of lumps over the past few years.


People criticize.


They publicly demean.


They get personal and attack my character.


It used to bother me some, I’ll admit.


Doesn’t phase me an ounce anymore.


Quite frankly, I sort of like it (is that odd???).


When you’re doing something of worth, it draws attention from all kinds of people.


Some are fans, some think you’re an idiot.


But you soon come to realize that the bad is going to come with the good.


The reason I’m bringing this up is because a good friend of mine recently forwarded
me an article about this very topic.


One particular sentence caught my attention –

