
Fitness Pros and Time Management


[wpfblike] Fitness Pros

Month/Year- January 2011


Name of Book – No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs


Author – Dan Kennedy


Fitness Pros Top 3 Key Points:


  1. 1. First – Block your time. Schedule time for everything and dedicate those blocks to focused efforts. You’ll get more done in 30 minutes of focused time than in 2 hours of distracted work.
  2. 2. Second – Plan your day. Spending 5 minutes in advance planning your day will easily add 2-4 hours’ worth of productive time as you’ll know exactly what you need to do with the time you have.
  3. 3. Third – Tame the phone and the email. Just because someone wants to contact you doesn’t mean you’re ‘on call.’ Your time is your time – treat it accordingly. Respond to people in time you have allotted for it rather than feeling the need to immediately respond.


One Actionable Step to Do Tomorrow – Plan your day tonight. It will take 5 minutes and you’ll instantly be more productive.


The ‘Pat Scale’ (1 = not worth it, 10 = MUST read) = 9


Quick Commentary = Dan is extreme when it comes to time management, but his methods can easily be dialed down to ‘normal’ levels and applied to make your time instantly more valuable, make you more productive and give you far more freedom. This is a must read for all entrepreneurial fitness professionals.


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– Brian


3 Responses

  1. Nikki Layton says:

    Always glad to look at books like this! Thank Brian and Pat as a business Fitness professional with a personal training studio and a Software company everyday is jam packed.

    Looking forward to taming the time bandit!

  2. JAMES HILL says:

    It seemed very informative. as one song writer siad “if I only had time”. It is important to use time wisely especially in my line of work 3 schools in one infants (age 3-6); Primary (age 6-12) and Junior High (age 13-15) and everyone needs constant attention to have a fit mind and a fit body.

  3. Dominic says:

    Dan is great at all things to do with self development and his Time Management ideas are no different.
    I think he uses the phrase “eat the big frog first”
    i.e. if you have some difficult things to do today…do the most difficult first – the rest of the day will be a breeze and any smaller frogs will not be so unpalatable.

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