
Archive for “Haste” Tag

Fitness Training For Youth: What More Do You Need To Hear ?




Fitness Training For Youth Is Booming


Short and to the point.


I may even say something that offends you.


But in the end, trust me when I say you need to hear this…


You don’t make enough money.


You simply don’t earn what you’re worth.


That’s not a matter of greed or indulgence.


It’s just a fact.


The fitness training for youth and youth sport training niche is the fastest growing
portion of our entire industry.


Worth more than $4 billion annually in the United States alone.


Parents are willing to pay top dollar for Personal Trainers who
can rid their children of excess body weight.


Parents are happy to shell out thousands to qualified Performance
Coaches in order to improve their child’s athletic ability.


And yet there you sit.


Wondering why you’re still working from 5am – 8pm as a Fitness
Professional, training unmotivated and unhappy adults.


Jealous as you read the stories of other professionals who
have found the fitness training for youth ‘system’ to success and are now working
less hours for more money.


Concerned if all your effort and passion for this industry is
ever going to be enough and finally provide the career you
so desperately want… and need.


All religious aspects of this story aside, I’m sure you’ve heard
this tale before –


A town was flooding and its citizens were evacuating with
great haste.


One man decided not to.


He opted to stay in his home and wait for God’s help.


As the water rose, he was forced to climb on top of his roof.


While there, another man in a row boat came by.


"The town is flooding. Here, get in my row boat and I’ll take
you to safety."


"No thanks" said the man. "God will help me. I am waiting
for Him."


A few minutes later, an emergency craft sailed by.


"The town is flooding" the officer said. "Let us throw you a
line and we can take you to safety".


"No thanks" said the man. "God will help me. I am waiting
for Him."


Several minutes later a helicopter flew by and paused over
the man’s house.


From the speaker, the pilot called down.


"The town is flooding. Let me cast down a rope for you. I
will fly you to safety."


"No thanks" said the man. "God will help me. I am waiting
for Him."


Not too long after that, the man drowned.


When he arrived in Heaven, he said to God, "I believed in
you. Why didn’t you save me?"


God answered.


"I sent you a row boat, an emergency ship and a helicopter.
What more do you want from me?"


You don’t earn the living you deserve.


You don’t have the career you want.


And yet the youth niche is flourishing.


You need new information, a fresh perspective and exact
blueprints of success from some of the most successful Fitness Training For Youth
professionals in this industry.


I write you emails.


I tell you what you’re going to be missing by not coming to
the IYCA International Summit in February.


More than 150 other professionals from all over the world
have already registered.


What more do you need to hear?


– Brian



P.S. – Click on the link below to register for my International Summit now –

