
Archive for “Fitness Course” Tag

IYCA Autism Expert Profiled In News


The incredible Eric Chessen has gotten some MAJOR notoriety for himself recently.


The co-creator of the IYCA‘s “Special Needs Fitness Course” was profiled in Yahoo News for the groundbreaking work he does in the autism community.


You can read the entire article here:





And please…


Be sure to leave your comments of ‘congrats’ to Eric below.



Special Needs Youth Fitness


Youth Fitness For Special Poulations

As you saw in my post from yesterday, the IYCA’s mission from Day 1 has been to provide world-class educational solutions for Fitness Professionals who work with any and all young people.


We have become the #1 Youth Fitness & Youth Sports Performance organization on the planet because of our unmatched desire to bring the very best information possible to the marketplace.


Our recent ‘Special Needs youth Fitness‘ course is an example of that commitment.


But consider this….


We don’t ‘dabble’ in youth as a secondary target for our educational material.


We don’t offer other options for certification.


We don’t brand ourselves as anything other than exactly what we are…


The #1 Solution for All Things Youth Fitness.



Youth Fitness: The Missing Ingredient

[wpfblike] Missing Ingredient in Youth Fitness

youth fitness

From IYCA Columnist and internationally-acclaimed Coach, Wil Fleming:


“If you truly want your athletes to succeed, the IYCA nutrition certification is an absolute must! The IYCA Nutrition Certification is just one more thing in a long line that the IYCA has produced to help those in the youth fitness industry become more complete professionals. The information contained in the certification is practical, and easy to implement to give your athletes the best tools to succeed.


“Dr. Chris Mohr presents the information in an easy to understand and straightforward manner, it does not need to be ‘dumbed down’ upon delivering it to your athletes, it is ready to go right then.”


IYCA Partners with Globe University on Bachelors Degree Program

IYCA in University

‘Principles of Child Fitness’ Course Uses IYCA Material as Centerpiece


April 19, 2010:  The IYCA and Globe University have partnered to establish a youth fitness presence within GU’s Health Fitness Specialty Degree.


The undergraduate course, “Principles of Child Fitness”, uses the International Youth Conditioning Association’s text, Developmental Essentials, as well as the Level 1 Youth Fitness Specialist material, as the foundation of their program.

