
Archive for “Volume Sets” Tag

The Truth About Kids Fitness Program Design




Okay, so I admit to being overwhelmed.


When I sent yesterday’s email out asking for people to offer
their thoughts on the matter of Kids Fitness Program and ‘training kids under twelve’,
I wasn’t expecting such a huge outpouring of passionate


My blog is loaded with comments.


I received no fewer than 20 emails on the topic.


I even had 4 people call me to tell me what they thought.


The IYCA certainly is comprised of some passionate people…


… And I love that!


And now that we’ve established the fact that training
children under the age of 12 is an absolute must, it begs
the question – how do you do it?


Weight training – Is that safe for a kids fitness program?


Speed and Agility – How do you teach that to pre-adolescents?


Plyometrics – How much volume, sets or reps?


So while I’m glad that everyone who responded seems to
understand the need for training and instruction with kids
under 12, do they know how to design and implement
programs for this age group?




But it is a very tricky science.


Especially when you factor in the reality that you’re likely
going to be dealing with several kids, all of whom have
different learning styles and abilities, and the potential of
over-zealous Coaches and Parents who are looking for
results NOW… As completely silly as that is.


Here’s a quick crash course for you on how to program for
kids under 12 years old –


:: Always start by arranging your training group into a semi-
circle around you being sure to avoid any natural hierarchy’s
that typically plague this age group


:: Introduce the first exercise being sure to verbally explain and
then visually demonstrate


:: Be positive with all commentary and feedback


:: The program itself should follow this sequence –


a. Coordination 1 (demo)

b. Game Play

c. Coordination 2 (demo)

d. Game Play

e. Technical Instruction

f. Game Play


:: Choose coordination exercise that stimulating any of the
following physical characteristics –


a. Balance

b. Kinesthetic Differentiation

c. Rhythm

d. Spatial Awareness

e. Movement Adequacy




And that’s how you create successful kids fitness program under
the age of 12!


Want the rest of the story?


All the specifics and some samples of how it works?


Click the link below and get your hands on my brand-new Kids Fitness Program
‘Secrets to Program Design’ course.


More than 1,000 Fitness Professionals worldwide have already
purchased this groundbreaking course and have become better
Coaches and Trainers IMMEDIATELY because of it.


Here’s your link –





‘Till next time,

