
Archive for “Youth Fitness” Tag

Youth Fitness Equipment – Video

Youth Fitness Tools

What do you REALLY need to train young athletes properly?


What if I gave you an exact template to spend no more than $50, but with that small investment, could stock your entire Youth Fitness & Sport Training business with exactly what you needed to both:


Get started now…


And, be fully equipped to ‘do it right’?


Think I’m crazy?


Then watch this short video:




Youth Sports Training for Large Groups

Youth Sports Training For;

Mobility & Active Flexibility
Injury Prevention – Mechanics
Injury Prevention – Deficits


I had 20 minutes, one volleyball court and 50+ young athletes…


So, here’s how I broke it down:


(A) Mobility/Active Flexibility (7 Minutes)



Youth Fitness: Summer Camps Success


Use as a template for the Youth Fitness Summer Camps you’re hosting this year:



News Release
For Immediate Release
Contact – YOUR NAME


NAME OF BUSINESS Hosts Summer Speed Program for Local Young Athletes Training System Consider One of the Best in the World


DATE – Young athletes in the NAME YOUR LOCATION area will receive a very special treat this summer.



Youth Soccer Training: Part 1


Youth Soccer Training Success

For Soccer Coaches and Youth Fitness Specialists:


Watch This:





Soccer Speed Training ==> http://CompleteAtheteDeveopment.com


… Actually, This Works for ALL Youth Sports not just youth soccer training:


A Step-By-Step Blueprint for Making Young Athletes Faster


==> http://CompleteAtheteDeveopment.com



Becoming Indispensable to Young Athletes: Part 2

[wpfblike] young athletes


The only way to get more in the future is to do more wherever you are now.


Promotion in business isn’t an AWARD for the time you put in…


It’s a REWARD for the hustle and indispensability you create.


And the exact same holds true for your life at large.


Promotion in life (better relationships, increased fulfillment, more satisfaction) is EARNED through the daily action of striving to become better.



Becoming Indispensable to Young Athletes: Part 1


It’s important for me to hear what you have to say about this topic on young athletes… 

Read this short (but hopefully powerful) ‘Part 1’ and then chime in to let me know what you think…


Young Athletes


Youth Fitness: Outcome vs Form Coaching


Youth Fitness Coaching Principles

What is the difference between Outcome-Based Coaching and Form-Based Coaching?


When is one more important than the other?


When should you NOT use one versus the other?


This video will clear everything up regarding Youth Fitness coaching:




Have you seen the Art of Coaching?


Have a Look –> http://CompleteAthleteDevelopment.com



Sport Specific Youth Training: Part 1


Insert/edit linkYouth Training

For Sports

As a given sport evolves and the participants within that sport begin to break records and perform what was once considered impossible, you can be sure that advancements in training and conditioning regimes have occurred within that sport. Very few athletes ever become great sport technicians without the inclusion of a comprehensive athletic development and conditioning program as part of their training package. Over the past decade, the type of training and conditioning performed by young, developing and elite athletes has gone from basic fitness to more functionally- based and developmental activities. Figure skating and all of the disciplines under that umbrella are such examples.


Youth Training


For example, many training coaches prescribe that their skaters practice landing jumps and performing balance based skills (such as spirals) off the ice. On the other side of the spectrum, there are the ‘athletic developers’ who tend not to concern themselves with producing specified strength gains but instead work more directly at improving the complete athletic profile of the skater. The general conception among these professionals is that the greater degree of athleticism the skater has, the more likely he or she will be able to carry out athletic skills. While traditionalists often incorporate basic and conventional exercises into their training programs, the athletic developers come from a more movement based perspective. This style of conditioning is often referred to as ‘functional’ training, which is in fact a misnomer. Let’s examine that.



Exactly How to Become The Best Youth Coach Possible…

Youth Coach


OK… Here are the definitions that were emailed to me.


What do you think?


(1) Balance
The ability to remain centered while center of gravity changes within static, dynamic, locomotive and non-locomotive action


(2) Rhythm
The ability to express timing


(3) Movement
The ability or aptitude to be locomotive through varying levels and directions


(4) Strength
The ability to express force


(5) Mobility
The ability to move within free and full ranges


(6) Tactical
The ability to demonstrate strategic or intentional action in order to produce a desired outcomes

 Become a Youth Coach


Youth Sports Training or Youth Fitness?


Youth Sports Training Vs Fitness

How can you engage your young athletes with more than just ‘training programs’?


Is there a difference between ‘Youth Fitness’ and ‘Youth Sports Training’?


Watch This:




Your Key to Training ALL Young People (Athletes & Non-Athletes) Is Right Here


–> https://iyca.org/YFS1


Young Athletes & Their Parents


Do you involve Parents in your Young Athletes training programs?


Should you?


Does long-term success INCREASE when you do?


Why and How you can involve Parents in your facility or Young Athletes training programs to ensure success…



Speaking Of Long Term Success, Look At This:


–> http://CompleteAthleteDevelopment.com


Sport Specialization for Young Athletes: Part 1

[wpfblike] Sport Specialization for Young Athletes (more…)

Your Missing Strategy for Young Athlete Success


One word for you and your young athlete:




Are you communicating properly with your young athlete?


If you aren’t, will it impact the potential success for the young athlete?


Watch this:



The Art of Coaching is One of the Biggest Aspects of the IYCA ‘Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1’ Certification…


Click Here to See What I Mean —> https://iyca.org/products/yfs1



Youth Fitness Business Top 4 Tips for 2011: Part 2


Youth Fitness Business Top 4 for 2011… Part 2:


Youth Fitness Business

The 3 T’s… (more…)

Youth Fitness Business Top 4 Tips for 2011: Part 1

So here is my ‘Top 4 youth fitness business tips for 2011′ wish list:

1. Look At What Everyone Else is Doing… And Do the Opposite (more…)

Youth Fitness: Goals for 2011

[wpfblike] youth fitness

Youth Fitness Resolutions

I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions.


Never have.


But I am a determined and purposeful Goal Creator.


I’ve learned (from trial and error) that to get what you want (in life, your career, everything) there are 3 very specific and very notable steps you absolutely MUST take:


  1. You must write your goals down

  2. You must believe and have faith that they will ‘come true’

  3. You must repeat your goals as an ‘inner dialogue’ several times a day


The trade secrets that have worked (wonderfully) in my life.


What do you want in your life during 2011?


What do you want in your youth fitness career?



Metaphors and Youth Fitness Success


As with anything, the degree to which you can successfully build upwards is solely determined by the strength, depth and solidification of your foundation…


This leads me to my first metaphor…


Don’t Rush Grade 2



Youth Fitness – How to Get On TV


With youth obesity and sport performance training getting so much in the way of media attention these days, it stands to reason that the best and most efficient means by which to gain local interest in your youth fitness program is through large scale exposure via newspapers, television and radio.


Media exposure is widely considered the most effective method of marketing your business for three very distinct reasons –


1. No Cost, High Value


Unlike other marketing avenues, media exposure is 100% free.  There are no advertisement costs to pay and no material or reproduction fees to factor in.  Appearing in the pages of your local newspaper or neighborhood magazines, as a guest on your regional news or being interviewed by a community radio show carries your best possible scenario in terms of marketing to your demographic – zero cost but maximum visibility.  You will literally be ‘seen’ by anywhere from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of people depending on the population of your respective geographic area. 

