
Youth Sports Training or Youth Fitness?


Youth Sports Training Vs Fitness

How can you engage your young athletes with more than just ‘training programs’?


Is there a difference between ‘Youth Fitness’ and ‘Youth Sports Training’?


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Your Key to Training ALL Young People (Athletes & Non-Athletes) Is Right Here


–> https://iyca.org/YFS1


– Brian



3 Responses

  1. Roy Alfonso says:

    Empowerment. Great stuff.

  2. Dan says:

    More great stuff! We always have time at the end of our sessions where we play. Most of the time Iet them do this unscripted and kids do come up with some crazy games. As long as it is monitored for safety, these games usually bring out the full energy of the kids. I also do unscripted warm-ups where I just delay practice after everyone arrives and within minutes they are running, playing tag and getting themselves warm without knowing it is a warm-up.

  3. Donald says:

    I was a K-6 Physical Education teacher for 40 years, and this is what I did. Games of low org., we even got into active warm-ups, and alot of fitness activities. With all the cut backs in Physical Education I am glad to see someone is doing these things for kids. Keep up the great work.

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