Youth Fitness Tools
What do you REALLY need to train young athletes properly?
What if I gave you an exact template to spend no more than $50, but with that small investment, could stock your entire Youth Fitness & Sport Training business with exactly what you needed to both:
Get started now…
And, be fully equipped to ‘do it right’?
Think I’m crazy?
Then watch this short video:
“Continual Information Being Loaded All The Time… The ‘Go To’ Resource”
All Things ‘Youth Fitness & Sport Training’ Based…
– Brian
Last summer I showed our U10 boys team how to make a ladder from 2 dollar store dog leads and an 8′ length of 3/4″PVC plumbing tubing for all for under $5 total (voila…ladders for everyone). Again… dollar store gel type circular oven pads make a great low cost hard floor movement target. Sometimes a little creativity can go a long way-budget shouldnt stop you from starting and you can always upgrade.
Great video Dave and always great stuff Brian. Many different drills can be done with all the equipment mentioned. A pennie can be used as a place holder for freeze tag or relays throwing it up in the air and seeing which time can keep it going the longest.