
Archive for “Conferences” Tag

IYCA Summit DVD Sale Extended Extra 24 Hours



IYCA Summit Sale

Sometimes the calendar works to our advantage.


This past weekend’s holiday here in the U.S. has helped me make a very
important decision.


I’m going to extend your ‘first exposure’ offer for the entire DVD collection
from the IYCA Summit by one more day.


Midnight on Wednesday is when your clock runs out.


Read these testimonials from some of the Summit attendees and be prepared
to answer one question after…..


"The IYCA Summit was hands down the most incredible experience of my
life to date"


"The IYCA Summit was the most engaging educational seminar that I have ever


"I just wanted to let you know that the IYCA Summit was by far one of the very
best fitness conferences I’ve ever attended"


"Best event I’ve been to in 10+ years"


"One word that describes the IYCA Summit to me – ‘Unbelievable!"


Now here’s the question –


Do those sound like the kind of testimonials you get form other fitness conferences?


More over, do they sound like the kind of testimonials that make you think
clicking the link below WOULDN’T be something of interest to you?


You have until Midnight on Wednesday.


At very least, click on the link below and see what all the international ‘hype’ is
all about…


… And what you’re missing –





– Brian



IYCA International Summit: A Life Changing Event…




IYCA International Summit DVD’s are almost ready.


I’m about 4 or 5 days away from being able to let you get your hands
on what has been called "one of the greatest fitness events ever."


And that’s why I’m able now to show you this short video.


25 year industry vet and international fitness legend, Billy Corbit, gave
the keynote introduction at my first annual IYCA International Summit.


The passion, energy, emotion and dedication is absolutely palpable.


Watch and see exactly what I’ve been telling you about –



"I just wanted to let you know that the IYCA Summit was by far
one of the very best fitness conferences I’ve ever attended. Thank
you so much for everything you’ve done to create the IYCA and
also for presenting such a fabulous weekend of incredible speakers!
During the two days, I learned so much about youth fitness and it has
truly given me a new and very real perspective on my fitness coaching.
As others have said, the Summit truly was life-changing!"


– Doretta Reily (Summit Attendee)



IYCA International Summit DVD’s are coming soon…



How to Get High School Coaches to Like You




High School Coaches Do Need You

"The Head Football Coach just won’t listen to me… He
thinks he knows everything, but his training program is
terrible and his team would be so much better if he would
just hire me as the Strength Coach…"


Do you know how many times I hear that?


I get emails about it.


People talk with me about it at conferences.


It’s a common topic discussed on the IYCA Message Board.


And every single time, the follow up question reads something
like this –


"How can I get the Coach to trust and hire me?"


And here’s my standard answer…


Why would he?


From his perspective, who in the heck are you?


Do you know many ‘well credentialed’ Personal Trainers
there are in our industry who are absolute crap at what
they do?


Now, I’m sure that sounds like a negative slam, but it
really isn’t.


It’s a wake up call for you.


You have to PROVE to the Coach that you’re better.
Show him that you know more than him and more than
any other Trainers out there.


But you can’t prove that by ‘telling him so’ and then
walking away with your hands up in the air angry
that he isn’t listening.


I have made a career of gaining the trust of high school
coaches in various parts of the world and literally
having them beg me to train their athletes and teams.


Very few people in our industry can boast that kind of


And here’s my secret….


I get someone else to do the talking for me.




I use my client referral network. 


I chat with satisfied parents who have connection to
the local high school coaches and athletic department and ask them
to consider chatting with the coach about me.


And when they do, that opens the door.


All I have to do is walk in.


Literally, I go from ‘just another Trainer trying to
work with my athletes’ to a ‘fantastic Trainer who is
coming highly recommended by the father of one of my
star players’.


See the difference?


And it works… Every time.


But you know what else works?


The right credentials.


With a certification from the IYCA, you can proudly
tell the coach that your expert training and education
is BASED on working with young athletes.


It’s not a certification that people suggest is the
‘Gold Standard’ but really doesn’t have much to do with
developmental athletic training – something critically
important to high school athletes.


And your certification doesn’t come from an organization
who offers 25 different kinds of educational streams from
‘Geriatric Fitness’ to ‘Pre-Natal care’.


It comes from an international association whose sole mission
is based on teaching Trainers to work effectively with
young athletes.


From Speed Training and Team Program Design to Strength
Development and The Art of Coaching.


I take great pride in being a Member of the IYCA.


And every single high school coach I have ever
talked with appreciates that I am equipped to work with
there athletes based on my IYCA affiliation.


Now that speaks volumes.


Our Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist certification is
your ticket ‘in’ my friend.


Get certified now to work with high school athletes and
teams for a fraction of what you’d have to pay for other
more generic educational opportunities.


Below is your exclusive link to the IYCA Level 1
material –




‘Till next time,




P.S. – Did  you know that ALL IYCA Members are invited to
the Ryan Lee Boot Camp on September 21 to enjoy a live


Level 1 certification seminar being hosted by yours truly…
… For FREE!


Enjoy the event live and in person.


Ask me ANYTHING you want about training or business and more on high school coaches.


All for free.


Check out www.RyanLeeBootCamp.com for the details.

IYCA – Loving Every Second of it

The Growth of The IYCA

So I make the drive from my home in Schaumburg to Northbrook – about 20 minutes or so.


I’m meeting with two editors from Men’s Health to discuss a book deal as well as chat with a local school district about bringing our Fit Schools project to their respective PE programs.


Now, although I’ve talked on the phone with my two Men’s Health colleagues dozens of times, I’ve never met them face-to-face and certainly have no idea what they looked like.


When I stopped at a grocery store just before my meeting was about to start (I needed to pick up an apple…. I was starving!) I wasn’t taken back when a gentleman walked up to me and said “are you Brian?”.


“Yes” I answered, figuring I was meeting one of my Men’s Health partners for the first time.


“Nice to meet you, I’m Andrew. I’m a member of the IYCA“.


It took me a second to realize that ‘Andrew’ had nothing to do with Men’s Health.


“Wow” was about all I could muster…. I had never been ‘recognized’ in a grocery store before.


“Thanks for being involved” I finally managed to say. “Are you enjoying everything so far?”


“I’m loving it!” Andrew replied.


I was almost speechless.


That may sound odd to you.


I mean, I’m used to being ‘recognized’ at conferences.


I’m used to people chatting with me after I make a presentation.


But I have never been recognized in a random public setting like this before and was truly thrown off.


Andrew and I chatted briefly and then I was on my way.


But the incident has stayed with me all day long.


And as my fatigue has grown, the chance meeting with Andrew at 8:30 this morning has managed to ward off the usual ‘cloudy head syndrome’ I tend to get when I’ve been working this many hours.


I suppose it just feels good.


Feels good to know that I have created the IYCA and something of substance.


I’m used to taking shots.


People love to bash those of us who decide to stand for something and make that something known.


Heck, even a former employee of mine, someone I gave a job to and mentored for a year (who by the way is a member of the IYCA) has taken to making negative comments about me and the IYCA on his own personal blog.


That kind of stuff never bothers me.


It goes with the territory and I couldn’t care less.


But the reason I couldn’t care less is because of folks like Andrew and the rest of the IYCA members worldwide.


I receive emails, hand written letters and phone calls daily from people just wanting to express there thanks and appreciation to me for starting this movement.


And today, I got to experience my first ‘public recognition’ – I’ve been on cloud nine ever since.


In short, I suppose the easiest way for me to wrap this up is to offer these words….


Thank you.


More than you know, I appreciate every single phone call, email and letter.


The fact you would take the time to write to me, dial my number or stop me in a grocery store just to say “hi” means more than I could possibly express in words.


In your service…. It’s been more than an honor and a pleasure,






P.S. – During the meeting with that local school district I mentioned, one of the PE teachers had this to say to me after listening to my impassioned speech about how the IYCA is working to curb youth obesity nationwide –


“It is so nice and refreshing to see an organization actually doing something about this rather than talking about it”


I was at that meeting and got to hear those words firsthand.


But you were there with me.


That ‘organization’ this PE teacher was referring to has as much to do with you as it does with me.


Take a moment to be proud about that today.


Youth Fitness: Could It Be Your Life’s Purpose…

<body><h1>Youth Fitness and how it could be your future.

</h1>Have you ever been to a standard fitness or sport training conference?




If so, you likely walked away with some good information.




And while that’s great, I always say that the fitness and sport training industry is moving from the age of INFORMATION to the age of INSPIRATION.




You can get INFORMATION anywhere… Including while attending conferences.




But how often do you walk away INSPIRED to take immediate action on what you just saw and heard?




More over, have you EVER walked away saying stuff like this…







Those video clips were taken at the last conference the IYCA <span style=”font-weight: bold;”>Youth Fitness </span>held right here in Chicago.




“… I consider the event priceless…”




“… One of the best things I have done in my 28 year career…”




Those are great success stories and I am very proud of what we INSPIRED people to do that day.




The IYCA recently presented a seminar in New York City as well.




Check out how unbelievably excited and INSPIRED this fitness professional was…











I personally get emotional every time I look or even think about this next video.




It makes me realize that I am truly in the right profession and that so many others share the same passion as I do.




And honestly… I have NEVER seen anything like this before:







We (you and I) are the Future of Youth Fitness my friend.





