Youth Training IYCA Summit
‘Part 2’ of my ‘Top 5’ is an even easier reason to make sure you’re at the 2011 IYCA youth training International Summit…
It’s a ‘Risk Free’ event.
I won’t go into long detail here (because I don’t need to).
If after the Summit is over, you honestly believe it wasn’t worth your time and that all those incredible, world-class Speakers didn’t teach you something about how to work with young athletes and youth fitness participants better, then just tell me.
And I’ll refund every cent you paid to register.
Very few organizations offer this (maybe because they don’t believe in their product as much as I do) but to us, it’s an absolute guarantee that we promise.
Come to the Summit.
If you didn’t have the experience you wanted, just tell me and I will refund 100% of your registration fee.
That easy, that simple, but that much of a guarantee for you.
Come to the IYCA International Summit.
You truly have NOTHING to lose…
Just Click Here to Register:
– Brian