
Youth Training: My Top 5 (Part 1)


Youth Training International Summit

Over the past 15 years, I’ve attended every conference that you could possibly imagine.


From every single major Fitness & Sport Training organizations’ annual symposium to privately hosted, single speaker seminars.


But to me (and ‘home team’ bias aside) absolutely nothing compares to the IYCA Annual Summit on youth training… And for very good reason.


If you’re already registered to come to the 2011 Summit, then start getting excited – this week I’ll be giving you every reason you need to start ‘chomping at the bit’ for the Summit to get started.


If you’re not, then read on and understand that you still have time left to reconsider…


‘Part 1’ of my ‘Top 5’ is easy:


The Speakers


Eric Cressey is considered the best Strength Coach in the world.


Mike Robertson, either a close second, or perhaps the #1.


Sue Falsone is the only woman to ever hold a Head Therapist job within Major League Baseball and is the current Director ofTherapy for the vaunted ‘Athletes Performance’.


Latif Thomas is regarded as the premiere Speed Coach worldwide.


Dr. Toby Brooks, one of the only professionals who merges true practical experience of ‘in the trenches’ work with young athletes and clinical science. As a Professor at Texas Tech University, he combines both worlds seamlessly.


So my point is both easy and unmistakable…


You will learn more in 2-days at the IYCA Summit then you could possibly learn at any other conference our industry has to offer.


The best speakers, Coaches and educators in our industry, all discussing topics that matter most to you:


How to Develop, Coach and Mentor Young Athletes & Youth Training Youth Fitness Professionals.


On the force of the ‘Speakers Line-Up’ alone, I would have reserved my seats 2 months ago…


… And you still can.


Just click here:





– Brian

Youth Training

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