
Alwyn Cosgrove's Secrets to Success

Each week, I post a new audio for IYCA Members.


I call them the ‘8-Minute Rapid Fire’.


The amount of information you can get out of someone in just 8-minutes is absolutely amazing… I am stunned at how much experts can reveal in this short amount of time!


I want you to listen to Alwyn’s interview carefully.


He was diagnosed with cancer twice over the past five years, beat it both times, and in the process, became one of the most successful and inspirational Fitness Professionals in the world…


… If this guy is not qualified to teach you about ‘Success Secrets’, I don’t know who is.





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5 Responses

  1. samiullah says:

    i want to learning football coaching for young players but i need for more information abut football training because i send this email for u. You send some videos and note of football

    thanks god bless you

  2. Another great interview Brian. Thank you. When Alwyn’s speaks, it pays to listen. His story continues to be an inspiration to me each and every day. Every time I hear Alwyn speak I learn something new that helps me take my youth fitness business to a new level.

    Your interviews with industry greats like Alwyn is just another great reason why I’m a proud member the IYCA. Keep up the great work Brian.


  3. […] Foot Strike: The most obvious but most overlooked component of training young athletes. […]

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