
Archive for “Poirier” Tag

Networking and Youth Fitness Business Success




Youth Fitness Business Success

In 2005 I met Bob Piane of Vortex at a conference.


Early in 2009, Vortex will be releasing a new line of
fitness equipment for kids based on a blueprint I


In 2006, Chris Poirier of Perform Better heard me
speak at a conference.


2009 will mark my third year as a Special Guest
Presenter on the highly acclaimed Perform Better


In 2007, Geralyn Coopersmith of Equinox met me
at a conference.


In 2009, Equinox and the IYCA will be forming
on a multi-region, nationwide partnership that will
be tremendously success for both organizations.


So what’s my point?


Conferences are much bigger than just the information
you learn.


Yes, at the IYCA International Summit in February,
you will be given absolutely mind-blowing information:


:: How to Add $30,000 Profit to Your Existing Training Business

:: The Secrets of Running Profitable Speed Camps and Clinics

:: Multi-Directional Sport Agility

:: Young Athlete Nutritional Needs



But you know what, you’ll also be face-to-face with your fellow
IYCA colleagues.


You’ll also get to meet me and Pat and Nick.


Create joint venture.


Develop partnerships.


Heck… pitch ME on your ideas.


Back in 2004, I received an email from a man who was very
interested in what I had started with the IYCA and wanted to
know if I could arrange a phone call with him for a few minutes.


That man was Dr. Kwame Brown.


And as you know, he is the current Executive Director for the
IYCA, earns a regular paycheck from the company and has
become an international celebrity in the fitness world.




Have you registered for your chance to have Youth Fitness Business Success yet?


My career was literally made by attending conferences and
creating networks.


In February, you are going to given the perfect opportunity to
do just that.



Just think about all the Networking and Youth Fitness Business opportunities you’re going to be missing
by NOT being there in February…


