
Archive for “kwame brown” Tag

IYCA members updates


Here are your IYCA updates to www.IYCAMembers.com for the week of February 7, 2011:


(1) The Athletic Performance Matrix


Last week, I gave you an incredible look at Athletic Development from New Zealand through the sample programming of IYCA Member and world-class Coach, Gareth Ashton.


This week, I want you to see exactly how and why he sets up his Athletic Development program inside one of New Zealand’s most famed sporting schools:


Click Here to Access this Incredible Resource —> http://www.iycamembers.com/members/324.cfm



Youth Fitness Training Tug-Of-War?


Youth Fitness Training Sample program from Dr. Kwame Brown


Skip Tag 10 minutes


  • Cones (and line chalk if you have it) to mark off area
  • Colored pinnies (optional)



  • Split into teams at opposite corners of the area
  • The first group is “it” (pick a color for them)
  • The second group is to be chased (wearing the other color)
  • Instruct the students that they must skip only
  • If anyone is tagged or caught running, they must do 5 lunges to get back in
  • The game round is over when everyone on Team 2 is tagged.  Roles are reversed



  • Call out “freeze” randomly to keep it unpredictable
  • Make sure that you instruct students on proper touching
  • If the students can’t touch lightly, give them something soft like a balled up t-shirt to tag with



  • Agility
  • Teamwork
  • Acceleration



‘Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1’ Certification Offered As a Pre-Conference Highlight for Perform Better Tour

Attendees in Chicago and California Invited


June 10, 2010 – Attendees at Perform Better events can become certified as Youth Fitness Specialists through the International Youth Conditioning Association; #1 in Youth Fitness and Youth Sports Training.


At the Providence, Rhode Island Perform Better event two weekends ago, nearly 50 Fitness Professionals enjoyed an intimate 5-hour seminar, presented by IYCA Founder and CEO, Brian Grasso.


"It’s a unique setting and very unique experience for both myself and each of the attendees," said Grasso.


"The Perform Better Tour is the only place that interested Fitness Professionals can become certified through the IYCA live, with me teaching the material."


Since co-developing the Level 1 course with Dr. Kwame Brown three years ago, Grasso doesn’t conduct live trainings himself any longer.


The next two Perform Better events are schedule for Chicago, Illinois in June and Long Beach, California in August.
The IYCA ‘Youth Fitness Specialist – Level 1′ certification course will be hosted live by Brian Grasso on Thursday June 24 (Chicago) and Thursday August 5 (Long Beach).


Those interested in attending can contact Perform Better directly at 888-556-7464.      


IYCA: Consider This




IYCA Code…

by Dr. Kwame M. Brown


The below is said with love, and I mean that. 


"Research Shows"… "It is a well known fact that"… "There is evidence to support"…


These are all statements I have heard time and time again to support statements that people believe.  I feel it is time for me to say something as a classically trained and field experience scientist / practitioner. 


"Research Shows":  Does it?  Which research?  Does research show the opposite of what you are saying, or show it less than the research than you are quoting?  If so, and you have chosen not to include that information, you are being disingenuous.  Period. 


"It is a well known fact that…":  Is it?  Very few things are well known facts, except that kids grow and learn. 


"There is evidence to support":  Much like #1, which evidence? 


These are all sneaky statements that serve to make us sound all "experty".



Youth Sports Frustration



Youth Sports and coaches

Chime in…


Be sure to add your thoughts to the comments section.


Debbie Schwarm:

I would LOVE to come to the IYCA Summit because I am a parent who cannot find an avenue to gain any traction on promoting proper coaching in our area.


I have approached coaches and subsequently left clubs, attempted to get the Positive Coaching Alliance involved in a club whose president now avoids me and any correspondance at all costs, and approached the state and national youth soccer associations about proper training for kids who refuse to openly address the issue.


I have prepared a complaint for small claims court to obtain $1200 in club fees when we left a club who supported a coach who had my then 11-year-old running a mile until he fell over and vomited having never run for training purposes in his life (and found out that he shouldn’t be at this age).


My Top 4 Reasons For Attending the 2010 IYCA International Summit

IYCA International Summit

1) Earn Valuable CEU’s:


Just for coming to the 2-day main event, you will receive a full 12 CEU
credits from the IYCA.


That’s enough to renew whatever level certification you’re on with us.


In addition to that, we are in the process of becoming accredited through
NSCA, NASM, ISSA and more.


A world-class education PLUS critical continuing education credits that
you can apply to multiple fitness organizations.


I can’t think of a better ‘bang for your buck’ than that!!


–> Reserve Your Seat At the IYCA Summit Today!



2) Your Future in the Fitness Industry:


According to the ACSM, the Top 10 fitness trends for 2010 include two
specific demographics that the IYCA International Summit is being based



IYCA Summit – FAQ’s

>IYCA Summit

Whether you were at last year’s

or not, you’re bound to have some questions about our 2010 event.

     Why should you attend?

      Will you obtain CEU’s?

      Why is it less expensive than last year?

      Will you become certified through the IYCA for attend?

I’ve got all your answers here!

1) Why should I attend the IYCA International Summit in 2010?

Honestly, I could spend all day answering this one.

Let me list some bullet points for you –

The Speakers & Education:

  •       Carlo Alvarez is a former Major League Baseball Coach and considered
          the very best high school Strength Coach in the country.

  •      David Jack received a standing ovation at last year’s IYCA Summit because his
          seminar on ‘Mentoring Young Athletes’ was so cutting and innovative.
  •       Nick Berry has created multiple businesses in the fitness industry and
          developed systems to see them ALL become profitable and revenue-rich.
  •       Pat Rigsby is considered the finest and most knowledgeable marketing
          guru in the fitness industry today.
  •       Dr. Kwame Brown has created a pre-adolescent fitness program called
          ‘FUNction’ which is currently the most on-demand and successful
          fitness initiative in the entire country.

Think any of these experts can help with your training and business
issues or questions?

Think you could learn some stuff from them that will make you a better
Coach and more money literally overnight?


Training Young Athletes: Exposed!



Training Young Athletes

The IYCA takes Membership very seriously.


Training Young Athletes Join IYCAMembers.com Now
:: Exclusive educational videos
:: Private audio’s with world-class Fitness Professionals
:: Private discussions and opportunities to converse with leading industry authorities



See why Membership to the IYCA is so valuable to more than 1,200 worldwide:


Click here right now to take advantage of our 60 day FREE trial —–> http://www.iycamembers.com/public/246.cfm



Childhood Obesity: The Threat To Youth Fitness




Childhood Obesity

Liz D:

I’ve posted a question on a local moms forum asking what parents think are the root causes of Childhood Obesity/inactivity.


Certainly the typical ideas came forth: too much fast food, lack of exercise, not getting kids engaged in good habits early.


One idea did strike me and I’ve heard other moms tell me this. Heck, I even live this circumstance now:


One serious threat to youth activity is the lack of safety in our neighborhoods. We have so much access to information that we know when a sex offender moves into the ‘hood. We also hear about creeps on the news and evildoers who have even taken a child, hand-in-hand away from her backyard to bring her off premises.


With all this scary stuff afoot, moms and dads are definitely afraid to give their young kids especially too much liberty outside.


Has anyone ever polled parents to see if this comes up? Heck, for you IYCA parents out there, is this a factor in your life? Is organized sports the only recourse people see? Is there a solution to this or at least a good rib-tickling one-liner I can give these people? (Just goofing there)


Please chime in on your ideas.



Young Athletes: Individual and Team Training – Mutually Exclusive?




Young Athletes Coaching

I have seen a fair amount of discussion on the merits of individual long term training vs. team long term training.  I will submit a later entry to compare short term vs. long term training.  My question is:  Why do any of these things have to be mutually exclusive?


All I want to do here is share some approaches I or associates have used in the past with my young athletes:


Whole team long term training:


The positives: There is a long term relationship where the team can get used to a certain approach.  You get to interact with the kids possibly throughout the critical athletic development years.  Additionally, kids get to train with each other, and build team camaraderie.  This approach can make training more affordable, and possibly result in more revenue.


The negatives (dependent on number of coaches and approach):  Less one-one attention and some movement difficulties can fall through the cracks.  There is less flexibility of routine and adjustment to routine when training a whole team (though the long term part of it helps to ease that a little).


Individual long term training:


Positives: There is a long term relationship where the coach can closely monitor the student.  Movement difficulties can be more easily addressed.  There is total freedom in adjusting to what makes this particular child “tick”.



Coaching Young Athletes Too Much or Not Enough?



Coaching Young Athletes

I have long contended that too much coaching when it comes to working
with very young athletes is far worse than not enough instruction.


Give them ideas of what it is you want.


Offer more instruction if they need it.


And then let them play.


Allow them to figure it out.


This process builds Athletic Intelligence and gives very young athletes the
ability to warehouse knowledge through a trial and error sort of way.


Do you agree?


Disagree and want to explain why?


Please watch this two minute video during which I explain how to correctly be
Coaching Young Athletes the process of deceleration.


Give it a watch and leave your comments below. I really want to know your
thoughts on the matter.



At this past February’s International Summit, I, along with ten of the most
well-known and gifted Youth Fitness Specialists in the world, offered information
about training, nutrition and business during a 3-day event that has been called
"One of the Best Fitness Events Ever"


::Dr. Kwame Brown – The Art of Play
:: Pat Rigsby – Marketing for a Youth Fitness Business
:: Nick Berry – Business Systems for Youth Fitness
:: Carlo Alvarez – Creating Championship High School Programs
:: Dr. Chris Mohr – Nutrition for the Young Athlete
:: Lee Taft – Speed & Agility Training


Click Here Now to witness this landmark event for yourself


Networking and Youth Fitness Business Success




Youth Fitness Business Success

In 2005 I met Bob Piane of Vortex at a conference.


Early in 2009, Vortex will be releasing a new line of
fitness equipment for kids based on a blueprint I


In 2006, Chris Poirier of Perform Better heard me
speak at a conference.


2009 will mark my third year as a Special Guest
Presenter on the highly acclaimed Perform Better


In 2007, Geralyn Coopersmith of Equinox met me
at a conference.


In 2009, Equinox and the IYCA will be forming
on a multi-region, nationwide partnership that will
be tremendously success for both organizations.


So what’s my point?


Conferences are much bigger than just the information
you learn.


Yes, at the IYCA International Summit in February,
you will be given absolutely mind-blowing information:


:: How to Add $30,000 Profit to Your Existing Training Business

:: The Secrets of Running Profitable Speed Camps and Clinics

:: Multi-Directional Sport Agility

:: Young Athlete Nutritional Needs



But you know what, you’ll also be face-to-face with your fellow
IYCA colleagues.


You’ll also get to meet me and Pat and Nick.


Create joint venture.


Develop partnerships.


Heck… pitch ME on your ideas.


Back in 2004, I received an email from a man who was very
interested in what I had started with the IYCA and wanted to
know if I could arrange a phone call with him for a few minutes.


That man was Dr. Kwame Brown.


And as you know, he is the current Executive Director for the
IYCA, earns a regular paycheck from the company and has
become an international celebrity in the fitness world.




Have you registered for your chance to have Youth Fitness Business Success yet?


My career was literally made by attending conferences and
creating networks.


In February, you are going to given the perfect opportunity to
do just that.



Just think about all the Networking and Youth Fitness Business opportunities you’re going to be missing
by NOT being there in February…






Youth Fitness – Q & A




Youth Fitness Certification

The response I received from yesterday’s Youth Fitness Specialist
certification release was absolutely overwhelming.


And it’s really not just a matter of ‘how many’ people got on
board with the IYCA, it’s ‘how excited’ they were to become part
of my international mission.


Fitness and Sport Training professionals from North America,
Europe, Australia, Africa and the Far East all clamored to become
part of my ‘First 500 youth fitness specialists‘.


I even did a radio show interview yesterday afternoon in which
the host said to me off-air "I can really tell that the IYCA is
‘what’s happening’ right now in the fitness industry".


How right he was!!


Having said all that, I received a number of great questions
yesterday from professionals worldwide.


Folks seem to want a bit more information about the IYCA, our
mission and the whole concept of training adults versus kids.


I decided to answer the four most common questions I received in
an email to you so that you could have the answers for yourself.


Here they are…



Q – If I have no background in training kids, will the IYCA
be a good place to start?



A – 100% YES! We have taken a lot of time and placed a lot of
care in creating our educational system so that it works for both
brand new Trainers as well as seasoned veterans.


The ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification is the
first step in a 4-step process of advanced and progressive


The Level 1 course material is taught by myself and Dr. Kwame
Brown and covers the following topics:


:: Motor Skill Development (birth through adolescents)

:: Program Design for clients and athletes 6 – 18 years

:: Group Training – programming, coaching and implementation

:: Coaching Science – how to communicate and teach any child

:: Practical Application – what exercises are best per age group


Although advanced in theory and practice, the material is taught
in an extraordinarily fun, upbeat and stimulating manner so as to
appeal to all degrees of Fitness Professionals.


Here’s what Fitness Pro Donovan Owens has to say about our
course material –


"The content contained in the IYCA course materials provides the
most technical, practical and applicable education that I have
EVER experienced with any other program"


I think that says it all!


Check out my ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification
now by clicking on the link below –


Youth Fitness Specialist Information – Click Here



Q – I am already certified through another organization, why
would I want to become certified through the IYCA?



A – Great question!


Here’s the reality…


… No other certification in existence today prepares you to
work with young athletes and youth fitness participants the way
we do.


We do not offer education or certifications in ‘elite athlete
training’, ‘older adult fitness’ or ‘nutrition and weight


YOUTH is all we do… it’s what we know and where our passion is.


Would you go to a Chiropractor if you needed heart surgery?


Would you go to the Dentist for an annual physical?


If you want the best, want to be the best and want be prepared
for the largest market surge this industry has ever seen, you
simply MUST be educated and credentialed by the organization that
has already been recognized as the ‘Gold Standard’ for youths.


Check out what former Men’s Health Fitness Editor Scott Quill
has to say about the IYCA and our ‘Gold Standard’ reputation –


"The IYCA’s advice is smart and practical and their programs
are developed with a real passion for helping coaches and kids
succeed. The IYCA is changing the way we train our youth"


Check out my ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification
now by clicking on the link below –


Click Here Now



Q – Why would I want to train kids instead of adults?



A – Easy… Because that’s where the market is going.


Recognizing market trends is an essential part of building and
growing a strong and prosperous career.


If you jump on board a moving train too late, bad things happen!


The youth demographic has surged into one of the largest and
most opportunity-rich niches in the entire Fitness and Sport
Training industry.


It has been recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the
fastest growing markets in the world and received attention from
mainstream media as well.


That’s why I’ve appeared in notable publications like Newsweek
and the New York Times and why the IYCA is being endorsed by
large media outlets including ESPN.


Have a look at what ESPN writer Tom Farrey has to say on the
matter –


"Brian Grasso is a voice of reason and a beacon of hope for
anyone who wants kids to develop fitness patterns for life, and
for athletes to achieve their full potential"


The youth market is by far and away the industry’s ‘next big
thing’ and by not learning how to work with kids properly, you
are cutting yourself out of a market that grosses into the
BILLIONS of revenue each year.


Check out my ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification
now by clicking on the link below –


‘First 500’ – Become a Youth Fitness Specialist



Q – I would love to work with kids, but keep hearing about how
regimented training is bad for children. Is this true?



A – This is one of the silliest ‘myths’ on the planet today.


Is the regimented aspect of school bad for kids?


You could argue that kids should be left on their own and
experience education through an informal way that best suits
their needs.


And you’d be wrong if you argued that!


Working with kids in a fitness setting is positively essential.


The days when kids used to just go out and play on their own
are all but gone.


And the widespread incidence of youth obesity is proof of that.


Fitness for kids is not just ‘fitness’…




It involves teaching aspects of movement, force production and
absorption, social interaction and cooperation.


It is a science unto itself and must be infused into the lives
of young children if they have any hope of succeeding in sports
or growing up into healthy and functionally fit adults.

The IYCA motto on this issue is simple –




M = Movement must dominate

O = Open yourself up to communication variances

L = Learning styles change per child

D = Develop… Don’t train


These four key steps are at the core of what we teach you in our
‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification.


Here’s what Kelli Calebrese, international fitness authority and
Editor-in-Chief of Personal Fitness Professional magazine, says –


"I know so many Trainers who want to work with kids but don’t
really know how. Brian and the IYCA have a formula that works
and takes away all the guesswork for those professionals who
aspire to change the health and improve the performance of
today’s youth"




Those are the most common questions I received yesterday.


I hope I’ve clarified some things for you.


If you want to check out what the IYCA offers and jump on board
with our international mission, just click on the link below –


Join the Revolution – Click Here Now



‘Till next time,

