
Archive for “Off Premises” Tag

Childhood Obesity: The Threat To Youth Fitness




Childhood Obesity

Liz D:

I’ve posted a question on a local moms forum asking what parents think are the root causes of Childhood Obesity/inactivity.


Certainly the typical ideas came forth: too much fast food, lack of exercise, not getting kids engaged in good habits early.


One idea did strike me and I’ve heard other moms tell me this. Heck, I even live this circumstance now:


One serious threat to youth activity is the lack of safety in our neighborhoods. We have so much access to information that we know when a sex offender moves into the ‘hood. We also hear about creeps on the news and evildoers who have even taken a child, hand-in-hand away from her backyard to bring her off premises.


With all this scary stuff afoot, moms and dads are definitely afraid to give their young kids especially too much liberty outside.


Has anyone ever polled parents to see if this comes up? Heck, for you IYCA parents out there, is this a factor in your life? Is organized sports the only recourse people see? Is there a solution to this or at least a good rib-tickling one-liner I can give these people? (Just goofing there)


Please chime in on your ideas.

