
IYCA members updates


Here are your IYCA updates to www.IYCAMembers.com for the week of February 7, 2011:


(1) The Athletic Performance Matrix


Last week, I gave you an incredible look at Athletic Development from New Zealand through the sample programming of IYCA Member and world-class Coach, Gareth Ashton.


This week, I want you to see exactly how and why he sets up his Athletic Development program inside one of New Zealand’s most famed sporting schools:


Click Here to Access this Incredible Resource —> http://www.iycamembers.com/members/324.cfm



(2) Programming for Elementary School Athletes


The ‘Prince of Play’, Dr. Kwame Brown has offered yet another great insight into how you program for youngsters (ages 6 – 9). The fastest growing age group within this demographic of ‘young athlete training’ is children in the pre-adolescent phase…


… And yet, what to do with kids this age remains for most Coaches.


Let Dr. Kwame Brown show you exactly how it’s done:


Click Here to See Kwame’s Training Program —> http://www.iycamembers.com/members/323.cfm



More from IYCA Members.com next week!


– Brian



P.S. – Not an IYCA Member? –> Click Here & Enjoy a 30-Day Trial for only $1



One Response

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by IYCA, Competitive Gaines. Competitive Gaines said: RT @IYCA: The Athletic Performance Matrix http://iyca.org/dev/the-athletic-performance-matrix/ http://fb.me/Rcq9NVB4 […]

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