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IYCA: Consider This




IYCA Code…

by Dr. Kwame M. Brown


The below is said with love, and I mean that. 


"Research Shows"… "It is a well known fact that"… "There is evidence to support"…


These are all statements I have heard time and time again to support statements that people believe.  I feel it is time for me to say something as a classically trained and field experience scientist / practitioner. 


"Research Shows":  Does it?  Which research?  Does research show the opposite of what you are saying, or show it less than the research than you are quoting?  If so, and you have chosen not to include that information, you are being disingenuous.  Period. 


"It is a well known fact that…":  Is it?  Very few things are well known facts, except that kids grow and learn. 


"There is evidence to support":  Much like #1, which evidence? 


These are all sneaky statements that serve to make us sound all "experty".

