
Connecting With Local High Schools


A few weeks ago, I wrote a post for all IYCA members on how to use bands to get involved with a high school:  Opening The Door To Youth Sports In Your Area


Youth Sports

I recently received this email from a local trainer that I thought was very appropriate to share with all of you.


If you are looking for a way to provide coaches with something that will not only make their athletes better but also provide them a solution to a very common problem, resistance bands may be the answer.


This could very easily be you sending me this email in the near future.





Just wanted to share a story with you


Being an athletic trainer I have had the opportunity to do conditioning with the teams I covered.  One of the schools that I cover is about 40 minutes away and I have not been able to run their summer speed and conditioning.  Yesterday however, I was asked by the coaches to run their conditioning from practice.  They were asking for about a half an hour.  I have never seen kids take to the bands with such enthusiasm.   I worked them for 25 minutes and covered running and strength training and the coaches were amazed. 


One of the assistants jokingly said "why do we spend all that money on equipment that is not portable." 


The kids came out of the locker room and first thanked me and then turned to their coach and said, "we need these."  The Coach’s response of course was yes we do.  The head coach was amazed that he could train his whole FB team in 25 minutes at the same time and get a great workout that challenged the kids a lot more than sending them to the weight room. 


I thought you would enjoy hearing this.  Keep up the great work on all that you do.  You may not know it but you touch people’s lives with these bands. 


This coach wants to order them for not only his FB team but also for his PE classes where as you know kids are becoming more sedentary and obese.  So hopefully a little rubber band can change one of these kid’s lives.


Thanks for all you do,


Jason Terry



If you haven’t already read Opening The Door To Youth Sports In Your Area   make sure you check it out and take action.  What is the worst thing that could happen??



Getting Better with Bands,


Dave Schmitz Resistance Band Training for Young Athletes
Dave Schmitz (The Band Man)


Dave Schmitz is the author of the upcoming IYCA resource, IYCA Resistance Band Instructor Course, which will be available this fall.


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