
Teaching Young Athletes the Kettlebell Snatch


Kettlebell Snatch For Young Athletes


by Jason C Brown


There are many variations of kettlebell snatches. The kettlebell snatch variations that I cover in the video below are considered very non-traditional but are excellent variations for young athletes and their development.


The first variation is known as the Anchored Snatch. You can use the Anchored Snatch to increase the weight that the hips have to handle without adding additional weight to the working arm. Why would you do this?


1. You don’t want to further stress the overhead arm. Maybe you’re working with a young pitcher or volley ball player and you like to limit the amount of weight and the volume of their overhead work. The Anchored Snatch is a powerful variation for improving hip power in the snatch pattern while limiting further overhead work.


2. You don’t have a heavier kettlebell but want your young athletes to use more weight in a snatch variation. Another kettlebell is not the only option to use as an anchor. You could use a dummbell or chains. I’ve even see wrestlers use sandbags for the anchor. Experiment.


3. You simply want to add some variety into your training program. It’s hard to keep the attention of young athletes. Using the “same-but-different” philosophy you can continue to work on the fundamentals while keep your young athletes inspired and engaged.


The second variation is know as the Extended Snatch, Elevated Snatch or the Deficit Snatch…either one will work fine.


Extended snatches increase the range of motion and bring the quads into play more. You can use a small plyo-box, some 45lb plates or even bumper plates to elevate the stance.


Low reps work best for both of these variations.


Watch the Kettlebell Snatch for young athletes here;



One Response

  1. Youth Fitness Organization the IYCA Promotes Its Kettlebell Instructor Course with Special Limited Time Sale | ŘíšeSexu.cz says:

    […] their sports training. It is a plans for learning all aspects of kettlebell training: technique, instruction, programming, and practice […]

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