
The Secret to Speed and Agility




Speed and Agility With Young Athletes



Speed and Agility with the IYCA has longer term development in mind with young athletes



3 Responses

  1. Alfredo Zapata says:

    Great inside, I believe that if the mind is connected with the body amazing things can happen.

  2. Andrew Eaton says:

    Okay, I have to wonder where Alfredo is from – where the mind and body are not connected… but I digress!

    The great thing about Lee is that he learns by observation, as opposed to learning by ‘ingestation.’ (swallowing everything other ‘professionals’ feed him!) He was great at the IYCA Summit, and his recommendation to respectfully question authority is a guideline that should be universally applied.

  3. Hollister Struck says:

    Lee presents what I call a necessity to coaching: question what you hear. This short video was great, kept me looking for more.

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