
Archive for “Video Clip” Tag

Complete Athlete Development For Coordination

Complete Athlete Development Video Clip



The above video clip is from the ‘Coordination Development’ DVD in my
Complete Athlete Development system.


Complete Athlete Development is literally changed the lives and careers
of countless Trainers and Coaches worldwide due to it cutting and
revealing look at how to TRULY train and develop young athletes.


Head Football Coach, John Reese, has this to say about it –



“I received your Complete Athlete Development system a few weeks
ago and have to say that so far am loving it. I have only just thumbed
through the exercises, but the other material is mind blowing to me….
I am happy I purchased the program because now I have the knowledge
to put better athletes on the field”



John’s comments are similar to hundreds of other emails and letters I’ve
received over the past few years about experiences Trainers and Coaches
have had with Complete Athlete Development.


Soon to come off the market for good, your chance to own this groundbreaking
collection and have it as a road map for training young athletes will soon be


Training Young Athletes Speed – The Success Keys

Training Young Athletes Speed Is not all about making them sweat.


It’s about making them better.


It’s not about making young athletes tired.


It’s about teaching them so they become more effective.


A lot of my training system isn’t ‘sexy’.


It’s not the ‘cool, new, funky’ stuff that looks impressive.


But it works.


And it builds rock solid athletes every time.


Here’s that training young athletes speed video clip: