
Archive for “Fitness Industry” Tag

Kids Fitness Certification: Weekend Food for Thought




"It felt more like a family gathering than a conference"


Carlos Alvarez, one of the tremendous speakers from my Summit
two weekends ago in Louisville, wrote that on his blog just three
days after the Summit concluded.


And he’s right.


Nick, Pat, Sara and myself go out of our way to create a ‘family-
oriented’ feel about the IYCA.


It’s not self-serving.


We don’t do it because we think it’s going to get us more ‘sales’.


We do it because we think it’s necessary.


Fitness Professionals are a fragmented group.


Most fitness certification organizations offer credentials and little


They disseminate information and give you letters to put after
your last name, but don’t ever go much above or beyond that to
impact your life or improve your career.


The IYCA is going to change the world partly with our Kids Fitness Certification.


But we can’t do it without you.


You’re part of the family.



Youth Fitness Industry Watch This Video




Youth Fitness Industry


Register now and stop making the mistake of
waiting for success to come to you…







** Here are some essential Summit details to answer your questions below***


IYCA International Summit
Friday, February 20th – Saturday, February 21st
9am – 5pm EST both days
Louisville, Kentucky



IYCA Bonus Workshop


"How To Run Profitable Speed Clinics & Camps"
Sunday, February 22nd
9am – 1pm EST
Louisville, KY

Click Here to Register for the Bonus Workshop


The Youth Fitness Industry IYCA International Summit is being held at the historic Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky.


The Brown Hotel
335 West Broadway
Louisville, KY 40202
Click Here to reserve your room


Youth Fitness Specialist Can be the Change

Youth Fitness Specialist. Why Is it So Neededd?

“You are truly a visionary and a catalyst for precisely the change we need. In watching
the presidential debate last night and the discussion about healthcare reform, I couldn’t

help but think how very little most Americans “get” the true societal cost savings of

upstream preventative healthcare so easily afforded by quality physical education.


We need more Brian Grasso’s banging the drum for the sake of our children…

I’m voting Brian for Secretary of Activity in the new White House cabinet!!”



That was a message posted on the IYCA Members discussion

board by Dr. Toby Brooks.


And while I certainly appreciate the kind words and praise

directed at me, Dr. Brooks’ message is clear and very



We need an army. Youth Fitness Specialist


We need more professionals willing to step up and create

a change.


Become youth fitness specialist and  agents for change.


We need to take the plight facing our youngest generation

seriously and understand that failure to act will lead to

societal imbalance, illness and tremendous financial



We need to understand that the expenditure of a truly

insignificant amount of money can set a Fitness Professional

up with a progressive organization that will equip them with

every training and business tool necessary to both create

change and earn a substantial living.


Forge a new, exciting and fulfilling career.


Over the past few weeks, I have presented seminars in New

York, was invited to speak at the World Golf Fitness

Summit and asked to travel to South Korea in order to launch

the IYCA through an Asian market.


Our growth is extreme and our reach into the fitness

world absolutely unprecedented.


It feels good being an agent for change.


It feels satisfying to be on the front lines of a portion

of the industry that is virtually untapped.


I want you to know what that feels like also.


We have the Presidential election coming up here in the

U.S. in two weeks.


Americans are going to have to make a choice and declare a



Their decision is going to either lead to prosperity or

spiral us down farther into a dark economic hole.


It’s always easiest to ‘bet’ on a sure thing.


The thing that you know you will be satisfied with.


Will lead to growth and gain for yourself.


In terms of the fitness industry, the IYCA is that ‘thing’.


Have a look at this special link and let me know what you

think –




Making decisions don’t have to be that hard.



‘Till next time,



Youth Fitness-How Much Do You Think?

Youth Fitness- What Is Spent Every Year?

1 million?


3 million?


20 million?


These were the guesses that some of the audience members gave

me this past weekend when I spoke at the ECW Midwest Mania

annual conference in downtown Chicago, {!firstname}.


My question was simple.


How much money is spent on personal training and coaching youth fitness for

kids under the age of 18 in the United States every year.


Now if you’ve been reading my blog or newsletter for any

duration of time, you know I touch on this issue periodically.


And that’s because I think it is a terribly critical issue.


It’s not about the money.


Its never been about the money.


It’s about your career.


It’s about your passion.


It’s about your future.


And again, I will restate something I’ve said before…


The average Personal Trainer earns less than $30,000 a

year in an industry that grosses well over $100 billion.


That is completely and entirely unacceptable.


And you should not ‘settle’ for it in anyway.


In response to the fact that the vast majority of Fitness


Professionals don’t do particularly well financially,

certain members of our industry have started crusades to

help change that.


:: Private ‘Success’ Coaching Groups

:: Sales Copy Tutorials

:: Mastermind Groups

:: Joint Venture Opportunities

:: Marketing Strategies 101


And these things are all good.


Business smarts is important when trying to earn the living

that you deserve.


But it doesn’t change the fact that there is another

way to absolutely guarantee business success.


And it has nothing to do with understanding marketing,

sales or any other type of business strategy.


It’s much simpler than that.


Here it is –


Recognize Areas of Growth.

Youth Fitness


That’s it, that’s all.


Where is the industry going?


What is the next wave of ‘cool’?


What are market needs going to be?


These questions will lead you to the answers you need.


They will change your business life and success potential



Being first or in the first group of professionals in

any industry to blaze a trail and carve out a niche

before the rest of their competitors act is immensely

important for career success.


But being able to ‘act’ is the key.


Don’t talk about it.


Don’t think about it.


Don’t consider it.


Do it.


Be first.


Be best.


Act now.


Failure to act has been deemed the #1 reason people fail

in business.


They know what they want to do.


What the market says they should do.


But they don’t act when that little voice on the inside

is telling them to.


And I tell you all this because those people in my audience

over the weekend were WAY off.


Over $4 billion are spent every year on personal training

and coaching for youth fitness kids under 18 in the U.S. alone.


Youth Fitness and Sport Performance are the two fastest

growing markets in the entire industry.


Your career could literally be sown up forever flourish

if you would just act on what the market is trying to

tell you –


Youth Fitness & Sport Performance is THE NEXT WAVE.


Become a leader in that wave and guarantee your future



Have a look at the following website to see what you

need to know about your career –




“To Act is to Succeed”


Truer words have never been spoken, {!firstname}.


Have a look at that website one more time –




‘Till next time,



Points to Success as a youth fitness specialist

O.K… So here they are….


Point 1


As a youth fitness specialist, Follow Principles not Values


I take this from the work of Stephen Covey in the 8th Habit.


We too often measure our success by the ‘values’ of a situation.


How much weight did we lose


How much money do we make


How many ‘A’ grades did we get on our report card


These are the items that most of us chase, but they are superficial and seldom

give us depth or a sincere appreciation for life.


Rather than following or pursuing the ‘values’ in life, go after the principles of

a situation.


What makes you feel good?


Whatever it is, do that.


Money will come.


Pounds will drop.


Good grades will happen.


All we have to do is pursue our desires with conviction.


The secondary factors I mentioned above will come on their own…



Point 2




This is a Zulu word that technically means ‘hello’.


But it has a much deeper meaning than that.


The literal translation is ‘I See You’ and is used as a formal greeting when

seeing friends or family.


And I love the concept.


We are so loose with language in our society.


Think about what you say when you pass a friend along the street…




What’s Up


How You Doing


Informal. Lacking passion. Do you even really care about what the answer is?


Sawubona is a word I’ve come to embrace as having a deeper meaning.


“I See You”


I’m paying attention.


My focus in on you.


I find that very powerful.


But here’s the real point of that word as far as I’m concerned.


I’ve learned to say it to myself.


Do you really know that person you see when looking in the mirror each morning?


Have you truly connected with yourself and understand who you are, where your

passions lie and what you want in life?


Give it a try sometime…



Point 3


Don’t Think – Create Habits


Thoughts don’t become things.


They don’t translate into tangibility unless they are converted.


Powerful thoughts or images you may have for yourself or your life will only

become real if you start creating daily habits around making them so.


This is one of the major limitations people have in our society.


They imagine and ‘dream’ of large scale things for themselves, but keep them

as nothing more than thoughts.


If you truly want to live your dreams, than start creating daily habits around making

them so.


This will change your life forever…


So those are my own personal success habits.


What do you think?


Leave your comments below….


Youth Fitness: Are You Making a Huge Mistake?




Youth Fitness Industry Is Booming

Sometimes the signs all lead in the same direction –
Does that make sense?


The Youth Fitness and Sport Training niche is the fastest
growing in our entire industry.


Entrepreneur Magazine has cited this specific demographic
to be one of the most lucrative and expanding markets in the


From private practice and franchising to government agencies
and consulting, the opportunities within this niche are
absolutely endless.


Very few professionals actually specialize in the area of
Youth Fitness or Sport Training making your ability to
become a local or worldwide leader all-but guaranteed.


That takes care of the whole ‘supply and demand’ equation
related to business success.


But there are ‘X Factors’.


Other realities that make taking the ‘Level 1 – Youth
Specialist’ certification more than worthwhile
for you.


Any educational pursuit you take should have cross-over.


Even if the course is ‘niche-specific’, it should still
carry with it valuable information that you can use in
all facets of your business and career.


Check out this email I received earlier today from a
newly certified Youth Fitness Specialist –


"I loved your course. My whole training staff has gone
through the program and I can say unequivocally that
this is the best training tool we have EVER used – and
we don’t even focus on youth"


They don’t even focus on youth.


And still say it was the best course they ever experienced.


How many other certification courses offer that kind
of educational cross-over?


‘Coordination Development’ and the functionality of
training balance, kinesthetic differentiation and
movement adequacy has application with kids, young athletes,
senior citizens and everyone in between.


Our ‘Coaching and Communication’ material is absolutely
indispensible for understanding how to best inspire and
teach clients of any age or ability.


Our ‘Programming’ portion shows you how to create
progressive training routines that cycle through intensity
and loading parameters guaranteed to keep your clients
ascending without concern of over-training or burnout.


Who isn’t that applicable to?


And as you found out yesterday, the Level 1 course
is soon to be re-priced in order to betterreflect the high
quality of information it provides.


And your reasons for not thinking the youth fitness course worthwhile
are starting to seriously dwindle.


Here’s your exclusive link –




‘Till next time,



Youth Fitness and the Success Train

Youth Fitness Keys To Success. A post by Brian Grasso

What do you think about ‘credentials’ when it comes to
our industry?

It seems to me that most professionals in our industry
look at the whole credentialing or certification
process from a few different angles:

a. Credibility of the Credentialing Body

b. Member Satisfaction

c. Cost

In the case of the IYCA, the credibility we have is
absolutely ‘locked’ as world-class.

And I can say that without hesitation.

Whenever I’m judging the credibility of any
organization, I always look at what other organizations

or esteemed professionals have to say about the
quality and content that is being presented.


Now, I’m not shy in saying that the IYCA has been
absolutely overrun with high praise from some of this
industries most notable figures:


“The knowledge and dedication of the IYCA and its
leaders have helped us to shape and deliver a robust
curriculum with broad appeal”

:: Zari Stahl – Club Industry


“There is not an inch of doubt that the Sports in
Action Program has become a better youth sports program

through the Brian’s work. The IYCA is invaluable”

:: Clement Chilshe – Sports in Action (Zambia)


“This collaboration of industry leaders combined with
the focus of guiding future leaders is what makes the
IYCA the most complete program”

:: Billy Corbett – PT on the Net


“The IYCA is changing the way we train youth”

:: Scott Quill – Men’s Health


Without going on and on, that answers the question of
our credibility, doesn’t it?


But what about our own Members satisfaction?


Is the IYCA truly appealing to fitness and sport
training professionals worldwide?


Do we actually make a difference in the lives of
people, or are we just adding ‘letters after their
last names’?


You be the judge:

“I believe you will change Youth Fitness in America”

:: Jeff O’Connor – IYCA Certified (Oklahoma)


“The content contained within the IYCA certification
materials provides the most technical, practical and
application education that I have EVER experienced

with any program”

:: Donovan Owens – IYCA Certified (Texas)


“Youth fitness is moving into the mainstream and the
first movers need to be associated with the best –
which is the IYCA”

:: Luca Hocevar – IYCA Certfied (Slovenia)


“I would suggest that one of the greatest decisions I
ever made in my life was to take the Youth Fitness
Certification course that you offer”

:: Bob Acton – IYCA Certified (Canada)


Is that the kind of loyalty and endorsement you hear
about other certification companies?


Not a chance.


The fact is we care so much about the success and
knowledge of our Members that we provide them with the
very best when it comes to education and business


Now, that leaves us with price.


Did you know that the IYCA is currently the most

inexpensive mainstream youth fitness certification on the market




That’s all it costs for our Level 1 – Youth Fitness
Specialist course.


Compare that to other certifications out there.


You’re looking at a MINIMUM of $400+.


And we take pride in that.


We feel 100% dedicated to our mission of regulating
and elevating the knowledge of professionals with
respect to youth fitness and sports training.


But we’re also realistic.


With all the quality content we provide and all the
world-class professionals we have involved in our
organization, we know without question that we
simply offer far too much to stay routed as the
lowest priced certification on the market.


So we’ve decided to raise the price.


And if you’re a savvy business person, you’ll
understand two very critical things:


1. The best and most worthwhile goods and services
aren’t the most inexpensive on the market. The quality
they offer is just far too great to be ‘cheap’.


2. More importantly, locking into the fastest growing

organization in the entire industry at as low a price
as you possibly can is absolutely essential if you
intend to make a successful career for yourself.


So this is your chance.


The IYCA ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’
certification is being re-priced on Tuesday September 2.


I have made a personal and executive decision to
keep the cost exactly where it is for the next 6 days.
$197 is as small an investment as you’ll ever have to
pay in order to become part of what you just read
in the endorsements above.


And if you want more proof of how important this

decision will be to your career, just re-read those


I think you’ll realize that this is a once in a
lifetime opportunity…


… And something you have 6 more days to take
advantage of.


Click on the exclusive link below and lock your
$197 price in now –




Opportunity and success come to those willing to
take action.


It’s just that simple.





Screening Young Athletes

Young Athletes Assessments

Gray Cook is arguably the most well-known and respected man in the fitness industry today.

His ‘Functional Movement Screen’ has literally developed a cult following the world over.

He presents seminars throughout North America, Europe and beyond.

His FMS Certification is one of the most popular in existence.

He is sought after by every major fitness and sport organization as a consultant or keynote educator.

Gray Cook is the Brad Pitt of our industry.

And not too long from now, he and I will be creating something absolutely transforming.

Here’s the summary of what we talked about –

  • Screening young athletes to decide if further assessments are necessary is an important step in reducing the irrelevant nature of corrective exercise but also in determining injury potential properly and effectively.
  • Some coaches and trainers have very instinctive ‘eyes’ when it comes to seeing movement dysfunction, but many don’t. Creating a simple but effective screen allows every trainer or coach to ascertain movement irregularities and determine follow-up action.
  • Every IYCA Member must have access to this screen – it is the building block of the work we do with kids and young athletes.
  • Once you understand how to screen, you also must be able to assess and provide the right sort of exercise stimulus necessary to evoke change and help reduce the chance of injury if required.

Long story short…

Gray and I are about to create a young athletes specific screening process and subsequent Functional Movement Screen.

Not sure yet when the roll out will be, but I can tell you that all IYCA Members will have access.

I’ll keep you posted on everything as it develops.


Youth Fitness – Q & A




Youth Fitness Certification

The response I received from yesterday’s Youth Fitness Specialist
certification release was absolutely overwhelming.


And it’s really not just a matter of ‘how many’ people got on
board with the IYCA, it’s ‘how excited’ they were to become part
of my international mission.


Fitness and Sport Training professionals from North America,
Europe, Australia, Africa and the Far East all clamored to become
part of my ‘First 500 youth fitness specialists‘.


I even did a radio show interview yesterday afternoon in which
the host said to me off-air "I can really tell that the IYCA is
‘what’s happening’ right now in the fitness industry".


How right he was!!


Having said all that, I received a number of great questions
yesterday from professionals worldwide.


Folks seem to want a bit more information about the IYCA, our
mission and the whole concept of training adults versus kids.


I decided to answer the four most common questions I received in
an email to you so that you could have the answers for yourself.


Here they are…



Q – If I have no background in training kids, will the IYCA
be a good place to start?



A – 100% YES! We have taken a lot of time and placed a lot of
care in creating our educational system so that it works for both
brand new Trainers as well as seasoned veterans.


The ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification is the
first step in a 4-step process of advanced and progressive


The Level 1 course material is taught by myself and Dr. Kwame
Brown and covers the following topics:


:: Motor Skill Development (birth through adolescents)

:: Program Design for clients and athletes 6 – 18 years

:: Group Training – programming, coaching and implementation

:: Coaching Science – how to communicate and teach any child

:: Practical Application – what exercises are best per age group


Although advanced in theory and practice, the material is taught
in an extraordinarily fun, upbeat and stimulating manner so as to
appeal to all degrees of Fitness Professionals.


Here’s what Fitness Pro Donovan Owens has to say about our
course material –


"The content contained in the IYCA course materials provides the
most technical, practical and applicable education that I have
EVER experienced with any other program"


I think that says it all!


Check out my ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification
now by clicking on the link below –


Youth Fitness Specialist Information – Click Here



Q – I am already certified through another organization, why
would I want to become certified through the IYCA?



A – Great question!


Here’s the reality…


… No other certification in existence today prepares you to
work with young athletes and youth fitness participants the way
we do.


We do not offer education or certifications in ‘elite athlete
training’, ‘older adult fitness’ or ‘nutrition and weight


YOUTH is all we do… it’s what we know and where our passion is.


Would you go to a Chiropractor if you needed heart surgery?


Would you go to the Dentist for an annual physical?


If you want the best, want to be the best and want be prepared
for the largest market surge this industry has ever seen, you
simply MUST be educated and credentialed by the organization that
has already been recognized as the ‘Gold Standard’ for youths.


Check out what former Men’s Health Fitness Editor Scott Quill
has to say about the IYCA and our ‘Gold Standard’ reputation –


"The IYCA’s advice is smart and practical and their programs
are developed with a real passion for helping coaches and kids
succeed. The IYCA is changing the way we train our youth"


Check out my ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification
now by clicking on the link below –


Click Here Now



Q – Why would I want to train kids instead of adults?



A – Easy… Because that’s where the market is going.


Recognizing market trends is an essential part of building and
growing a strong and prosperous career.


If you jump on board a moving train too late, bad things happen!


The youth demographic has surged into one of the largest and
most opportunity-rich niches in the entire Fitness and Sport
Training industry.


It has been recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the
fastest growing markets in the world and received attention from
mainstream media as well.


That’s why I’ve appeared in notable publications like Newsweek
and the New York Times and why the IYCA is being endorsed by
large media outlets including ESPN.


Have a look at what ESPN writer Tom Farrey has to say on the
matter –


"Brian Grasso is a voice of reason and a beacon of hope for
anyone who wants kids to develop fitness patterns for life, and
for athletes to achieve their full potential"


The youth market is by far and away the industry’s ‘next big
thing’ and by not learning how to work with kids properly, you
are cutting yourself out of a market that grosses into the
BILLIONS of revenue each year.


Check out my ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification
now by clicking on the link below –


‘First 500’ – Become a Youth Fitness Specialist



Q – I would love to work with kids, but keep hearing about how
regimented training is bad for children. Is this true?



A – This is one of the silliest ‘myths’ on the planet today.


Is the regimented aspect of school bad for kids?


You could argue that kids should be left on their own and
experience education through an informal way that best suits
their needs.


And you’d be wrong if you argued that!


Working with kids in a fitness setting is positively essential.


The days when kids used to just go out and play on their own
are all but gone.


And the widespread incidence of youth obesity is proof of that.


Fitness for kids is not just ‘fitness’…




It involves teaching aspects of movement, force production and
absorption, social interaction and cooperation.


It is a science unto itself and must be infused into the lives
of young children if they have any hope of succeeding in sports
or growing up into healthy and functionally fit adults.

The IYCA motto on this issue is simple –




M = Movement must dominate

O = Open yourself up to communication variances

L = Learning styles change per child

D = Develop… Don’t train


These four key steps are at the core of what we teach you in our
‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist’ certification.


Here’s what Kelli Calebrese, international fitness authority and
Editor-in-Chief of Personal Fitness Professional magazine, says –


"I know so many Trainers who want to work with kids but don’t
really know how. Brian and the IYCA have a formula that works
and takes away all the guesswork for those professionals who
aspire to change the health and improve the performance of
today’s youth"




Those are the most common questions I received yesterday.


I hope I’ve clarified some things for you.


If you want to check out what the IYCA offers and jump on board
with our international mission, just click on the link below –


Join the Revolution – Click Here Now



‘Till next time,



"State of the Youth Fitness Industry" – A Must See…


I was honored to be asked to present at one of the most important and telling youth fitness events in recent memory.


And this was as exclusive an event as I have ever seen.


170+ INVITED guests representing the largest and most influential health clubs and fitness organizations in the world.


And I had a literal ‘birds eye view’ of the entire proceedings.


I was one of only fifteen of the most esteemed and highly decorated fitness professionals to give their thoughts as to where this industry is headed.


And I was absolutely blown away by what I heard.


Dumb founded really – because I realized that I was on the ‘right track’ in terms of the Youth Fitness industry’s future.


But are you?


If you plan to be involved in the fitness and sport training industry for any length of time then you need to hear what was said at this conference.


This video is a re-count of what I heard and saw.


The industry is changing and I wanted to give you a private heads up so you don’t get left behind.



Now if you are TRULY serious about your career and being on the forefront of where this industry is going then read this next portion very carefully…


I have created an action plan for you.


You just heard all the new revelations as to where the industry leaders feel they want to take us.


You can spend weeks or even months reacting to the information and trying to formulate a game plan…or you can just listen to me tell you EXACTLY what you need to do next.


The fastest growing industry in the entire world is set to go through an unprecedented revolution…


And this is your ‘ticket’ to make sure you stay ahead of the curve and on the cutting-edge of the market.


Leave your email and name for me in the box below and tomorrow I will email you a complete and utter road map for what you have to do next…