"It felt more like a family gathering than a conference"
Carlos Alvarez, one of the tremendous speakers from my Summit
two weekends ago in Louisville, wrote that on his blog just three
days after the Summit concluded.
And he’s right.
Nick, Pat, Sara and myself go out of our way to create a ‘family-
oriented’ feel about the IYCA.
It’s not self-serving.
We don’t do it because we think it’s going to get us more ‘sales’.
We do it because we think it’s necessary.
Fitness Professionals are a fragmented group.
Most fitness certification organizations offer credentials and little
They disseminate information and give you letters to put after
your last name, but don’t ever go much above or beyond that to
impact your life or improve your career.
The IYCA is going to change the world partly with our Kids Fitness Certification.
But we can’t do it without you.
You’re part of the family.
An international team of qualified and passionate people intent
on making change.
And during my keynote address I spoke about the importance
of human interaction as it related to this exact ‘family feel’.
The need to ‘see’ people and not just greet them informally or
take their presence in your life for granted in any way.
I spoke about how my perspective was changed on this matter
while in Australia last summer, by a man named Douglas Heel
from South Africa.
He introduced me to word called Sawubona.
A Zulu word that literally means ‘We See You’.
And it seemed every single conversation I had with someone
while at the Summit was about them wanting to know more
about that expression and how they could apply it to there
own lives.
So here’s what I want you to do –
Get your Kids Fitness Certification by the IYCA, click on the link
below to see the passion our Members have.
The complete and utter devotion they have to our cause.
Click on the link and give serious consideration to becoming part
of the fastest growing organization in the entire fitness industry:
If you are a Member, than you click on the link below.
I want you to see how important you really are to me and the rest
of the IYCA crew.
The link will take you to a short video of in which Orland Bishop,
and Africa community leader, explains the meaning of Sawubona.
On behalf of Nick, Pat, Sara and the entire IYCA Head Office….
We See You.
And thank you sincerely for being part of our Kids Fitness Certification international family.
Have a wonderful weekend!
IYCA is definitely a family -and what a warm place to belong.
Orlando’s message is powerful. I hope everyone watches the video.
If more people thought like him, could you imagine this world?!
Thank you, Brian, for sharing it.
And Sawubona to you, Nick, Pat and Sara. May you bask in peace and freedom this weekend and always!
Hey Brian,
Thanks for sharing this video. It was absolutely amazing to hear Mr. Bishop explain Sawubona. One of the things that I wrote down while watching it was, “An invitation to participate in each other’s life”. I have taken this to heart, and I have sent out an invitation to all IYCA members to participate in your life. I want to learn from you, because you are the Best! (Please see the member’s forum for this). Brian, “seeing you” and everyone associated with the IYCA has already made me a better person, and I am so grateful to be a part of this family. We are the rising tide and seeing has empowered all of us!