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Fitness For Kids: Back in the Trenches…



Fitness For Kids and the IYCA is rolling fast.


Speaking in Australia this summer.

Club Industry and the World Golf Fitness Summit, as well.

Town Sports International conference in the fall.

And have been asked to consult with the Singapore Sports Council.

But the funny thing is that this stuff doesn’t matter to me as
much as something I consider bigger and more important…

… I still coach everyday.

And something happened last night that has gotten me excited
beyond belief.

From 2004 – 2007, I proudly served as the Head Strength Coach
for Barrington High School here in Illinois.

I worked with the Tennis, Girls Basketball, Track and Football

And I loved every second of it.

Last night, I received a phone call from the Head Football Coach.

He wants me to come back.


“There has been something missing from our program since you
left, Brian. I want you back in our system”


Guess what me answer was?

A BIG TIME ‘yes’!!!

Coaching is my passion.

It’s how I identify myself.

And I don’t care how many international seminars I give, how
many books I write on Fitness For Kids or how many times I appear on TV.

I’m a Fitness For Kids Coach to the core.


In fact, I received a testimonial from an audience member at
a seminar I gave in Phoenix once and it has always been the most
touching and gratifying thing I have ever read.

He summed up his views in one sentence –


“Brian is a COACH. Capitalization intended.”


Next time someone asks you about the IYCA, asks you what makes
us different, you be sure to show them this newsletter.

The CEO, ‘Head Cheese’, ‘Top of the Pyramid’ isn’t sitting in an
office or conducting research…

… He’s on the front lines getting his hands dirty and doing
what he loves to do.

People have asked me what it’s like to be the ‘center’ of the
IYCA and I always respond the same way.

I’m not the center of the IYCA…

… Fitness For kids is.


No matter what happens in your career.

No matter how stressful or busy you get.

No matter how much things go wrong.

A good Fitness For Kids training session with a bunch of high spirited kids
always makes it right.

Remember your passion.

