
Art Of Coaching




Who Wants to Know the 3 Keys to Effectively Training High School Athletes… And Guaranteeing Their Optimal Success in College Sports?

A FREE Collection of Groundbreaking Information for
Any Coach Serious About Training Athletes

The “3 Keys Success System” for Training Athletes

mike robertson
How to Coach Strength

Mike Robertson – Internationally-acclaimed expert, author and lecturer

mike robertson
How to Coach Teams

Joe Kenn – Former Head Strength & Conditioning Coach, University of Louisville

mike robertson
The Art of Coaching

Brian Grasso – Founder of the International Youth Conditioning Association

FREE Download

Simply enter your first name and and best email below then click “Get Instant Access” and I’ll immediately give you these expert interviews and much more – 100% FREE!

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Why is Coaching the Missing Ingredient?

Programming is the Science…

But Coaching is the Art.

As an industry, we get caught up far too much in debating the merits of programming, exercise selection and methodology.

The reality is that Coaching and Communication with your athletes is the single most important factor to their success… And yet there are virtually no resources available that teach this skill.

Why Am I Giving This Information Away?

Because it’s needed.

Because Mike Robertson, Joe Kenn and I all believe that the fundamental nature of athlete success is built upon how well they are coached.

Mike Robertson as been producing top-flight high school athletes for years.

Joe Kenn is regarded as one of the very best College Strength Coaches anywhere in the United States.

I’ve worked with more than 15,000 young athletes all over the world.

We know the path to success…

… This is the Knowledge You Are Lacking

How to make your athletes the strongest they can be with the best technique possible

How to enhance the speed of your athletes in a team or group setting

How to create training systems that are built for optimal success

How to Coach effectively so that your athletes reach their maximum potential

** Special Bonus **

When international coaching icon Eric Cressey heard about this project… He wanted in!!

As a special bonus, your also going to receive this free audio interview:

Athletes & Injuries: Prevention Through Programming
with Eric Cressey

Eric Cressey

I can’t begin to tell you how much I learned from listening to Eric talk… This information is extraordinary!

Do You Think You’d Like To Have Answers to These Questions?

checkHow does Mike Robertson coach the deadlift for optimal strength and minimal injury?

checkHow does Mike assess his athletes and know, every day, how to alter his programs?

checkHow does Joe Kenn ge the most out of 80+ athletes in a college setting?

checkHow does Joe progress his “green” freshmen into pro-ready seniors?

checkHow does Eric Cressey teach adolescent baseball players differently than pros?

checkHow does Eric create programs that consistently develop elite collegiate stars?

checkHow do I categorize my athletes by personality type?

checkHow has my “Art of Coaching” system led to more success for more athletes?

What Exactly Do You Get?

check Coaching Strength & Teams – Audios

  • Learn to teach through “Skill Sets”

  • Learn how to motivate large groups of athletes on an individual basis

  • Learn to create training programs for teams that meet the needs of each athlete

check The Art of Coaching – Seminar Video

  • How do you classify athletes and assess their personalities?

  • How do you know the difference between “high motivation” and “low skill”?

  • How do you use “Direct” and “Guide” methods of Coaching?

checkThe Art of Coaching – Ebook

  • What is the “Kaizen Method” of training athletes?

  • What does the NSCA Coaching Legend John Wooden say about Coaching?

  • What are the 4 categories of athlete temperament you need to know

All You Need To Do to Get Started & Gain Access to This
Avalanche of Knowledge is Tell Me Where to Send It Below…
No Charge… No Gimmicks

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Enjoy, my friend!

Brian Grasso

P.S. – 3 Audios, 1 Video with slides and 1 Ebook… For no charge! Take advantage of this right now… You have no reason not to:

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