
Archive for “International Summit” Tag

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Youth Fitness Industry


Register now and stop making the mistake of
waiting for success to come to you…







** Here are some essential Summit details to answer your questions below***


IYCA International Summit
Friday, February 20th – Saturday, February 21st
9am – 5pm EST both days
Louisville, Kentucky



IYCA Bonus Workshop


"How To Run Profitable Speed Clinics & Camps"
Sunday, February 22nd
9am – 1pm EST
Louisville, KY

Click Here to Register for the Bonus Workshop


The Youth Fitness Industry IYCA International Summit is being held at the historic Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky.


The Brown Hotel
335 West Broadway
Louisville, KY 40202
Click Here to reserve your room


IYCA Summit: My Own Personal Top 2




** If you’ve already registered to attend the IYCA International Summit in
February than I need you to leave a comment on this blog. Read below
to find out why **



Of course I’m going to the IYCA International Summit in February.


But let me tell you something…


… Even if I wasn’t the Founder of this organization, I’d STILL be going.


And here’s why:


Reason #1


Two words: Pat Rigsby.


This guy is for real.


At the beginning of the year, Pat came on board as a partner in the IYCA.


And this company hasn’t been the same ever since.


Prior to knowing Pat, I enjoyed an extremely successful career.


By anyone’s standards.


:: 2 published books

:: 50+ published articles

:: 20+ international speaking engagements

:: 10,000+ trained young athletes

:: Curriculum Director – Men’s Health Fit Schools

:: Appeared in Newsweek, the New York Times and ABC News


I was and continue to be, considered the best Youth Fitness Specialist in
the world.


But in just 8 months, here’s what Pat’s direction has done for the IYCA –


:: Our Membership has increased by more than 600%

:: Our gross revenue has increased by more than 300%

:: We have added three new levels to the IYCA certification process

:: We have established www.IYCAMembers.com

:: We have written and released the Youth Obesity Solution program


Now, in addition to these ‘tangible’ items, Pat has also single-handedly
created a new and fully integrated management system into our company
that has lead to an unbelievable increase in the efficiency and productivity
of our organization.


His impact on this company is almost entirely beyond words.


I have had tremendous success.


Lots of it.


And if Pat Rigsby managed to do all this for me, just imagine what kind
of impact he’s capable of having on your business.



Reason # 2


I’ll keep this one brief, but hope that the message resonates with you
in a very big way.


It’s nearly impossible to leave a legacy by yourself.


It’s virtually unheard of to make a real, lasting change in the world
on your own.


But never doubt that a GROUP of dedicated people can alter the
course of history forever.




Because that’s all that ever has.


The IYCA is not like other fitness organization.


We are an international family of passionate professionals dedicated to the
task of reforming the youth fitness and sport training industry.


Being part of something so majestic has been the single greatest experience
of my life.


And I absolutely promise and guarantee that when I step on stage in
February at the International Summit, I will be moved to tears.


To see the faces of the people who have opted to become part of
my extended family and co-agents for change will be an overwhelmingly
emotional experience.


Why would you want to miss that?


Why would you ever consider not becoming a key member and critical
cog in the most important fitness-related movement this industry has
ever seen?


We all want to leave a legacy.


We all want to be part of something special.


We all want to be an important member of a world transforming movement.


And this is your chance.


Are you already registered to attend my International Summit?


If so, I need to hear from you. (If not, click here)


Leave a comment on this blog and tell me EXACTLY why you opted
to come.


I want to thank you for being part of this IYCA event.


And I really need to know why you decided to join us in February.


Leave your comment below….



IYCA International Summit: This Is Your Last Chance…

This is it.


The last day for you to register for the IYCA International Summit and receive an unbelievable f.r.e.e.


The first annual IYCA International Summit is set for February 20 – 22
2009 in Louisville, Kentucky.


The line up of speakers is world-class.


The information will be priceless.


The missed opportunities if you don’t attend, extraordinary.


I’ve given you every reason to come.


I’ve outlined each and every reason why attendance is absolutely
mandatory if you are serious about your career.


I suppose the final kicker is simply this:


Exclusive entrance into my closed-door "Secrets to Profitable Speed
Camps and Clinics" seminar is available for the last time today.


Register today and you gain access to this information for absolutely
no extra charge whatsoever.


Delay and the opportunity is gone.


For good.


A complete done for you system that will show you precisely how to host
your own profitable speed camps.


And the information I’m prepared to give will change your business forever.


:: Press Releases

:: Joint Venture Tools

:: Camp Structure and Drills

:: Up-sell System

:: Enrollment Forms


You name it, you’ll get it.


An entire done for you, guaranteed to work system that will lead to profits
and clients.




No hype and no B.S.


I went from 0 clients to 200+ in just 3 months using this system in my last
training center.


It works and is ‘Brian Grasso’ tested.


I can’t implore you anymore than that.


Your success is in your hands.


The choice is 100% yours.


People doomed to fail find reasons not to…


… People primed for success find ways to make it happen.


Which kind of person are you?



‘Till next time,






Children’s Fitness Summit: Your Concerns Answered…




Children’s fitness Success From The IYCA

So the IYCA International Summit is in February.


People from all over the world have already registered.


But there are still some spots open.


I decided to look through our Customer Service email database
today in order to find out what our Members are asking about
with respect to the Summit.


Here are the Top 2 questions our Customer Service department
is being asked:


1) We’re living in a slow economy and this is the Holidays. How
can I justify spending the money on registration… Not to mention
airfare and hotel costs?


Fair concern, but brutally easy answer…


In business, timing is absolutely everything.


Look at it this way.


The majority of business owners out there are cutting expenses
left and right.


They’re conserving money and holding back on spending


Not a horrible strategy in such an unstable economy.


But what’s going to happen when the economy gets better?


See, now that’s the question professionals in all walks of life
seldom ask themselves.


And that shortsighted approach is what keeps most businesses
barely scraping by for years.


Conservation of funds in times like these is essential.


Limiting spending is a necessity.


BUT, successful children’s fitness business owners have the rare gift of being
able to see 3, 4, 6 and 12 months down the line.


And here’s what’s going to happen…


As soon as the economy turns upwards (which incidentally,
most experts say will take place around March or April of 2009)
consumers are going to start getting very excited and ‘loose’
with their disposable income.


It’s human nature.


We love to spend money.


So as soon as the economy improves, YOUR consumer base
is going to want to start spending at a feverish pace.


Now, Business Owner A, who conserved all his money during
the ‘down time’, is literally going to be caught with his pants down
because as consumers start wanting to spend cash, he won’t have
the infrastructure or programs in place to take advantage of it.


Conversely, Business Owner B, who was frugal but invested
WISELY on things during the ‘down time’, will have a complete
plan of action in place and ready for when their market wants to
start handing out cash again.


Being cautious financially is one thing, but having your eyes and
ears closed to what the future is going to bring is something
altogether different and silly.


Successful business owners know that this is the PERFECT
time to invest in their business because the payout is just around
the corner…


2) I’ve been to many fitness conferences in the past, how is this
one going to be any different or give me anything more than I
already know?


When Pat Rigsby says that he is going to show you EXACTLY
how to make an additional $30,000 in your current children’s fitness training
business next year, I listen.


The man literally has a Midas touch with stuff like this.


When I tell you that I’m going to show you EXACTLY how
to create profitable speed camps and clinics that will earn you
thousands of dollars and dozens upon dozens of clients, you
better listen!!


That’s how I’ve built every single training facility I’ve ever
owned or worked at.


I know the process and will be teaching it to you –
"done for you" style.


And that’s just a sample.


But heck, isn’t that enough?


How many conferences have you been that can promise
you an additional $30,000 profit line to your business?


I hope I’ve been clear, my friend.


And if you haven’t already…


Register now while you still can!





‘Till next time,





P.S. – Tomorrow is your last chance.
Register by Friday, December 5th and you are guaranteed a
spot in our closed door children’s fitness session –


"How to Run Profitable Speed Camps and Clinics"


Here’s your exclusive link –





Networking and Youth Fitness Business Success




Youth Fitness Business Success

In 2005 I met Bob Piane of Vortex at a conference.


Early in 2009, Vortex will be releasing a new line of
fitness equipment for kids based on a blueprint I


In 2006, Chris Poirier of Perform Better heard me
speak at a conference.


2009 will mark my third year as a Special Guest
Presenter on the highly acclaimed Perform Better


In 2007, Geralyn Coopersmith of Equinox met me
at a conference.


In 2009, Equinox and the IYCA will be forming
on a multi-region, nationwide partnership that will
be tremendously success for both organizations.


So what’s my point?


Conferences are much bigger than just the information
you learn.


Yes, at the IYCA International Summit in February,
you will be given absolutely mind-blowing information:


:: How to Add $30,000 Profit to Your Existing Training Business

:: The Secrets of Running Profitable Speed Camps and Clinics

:: Multi-Directional Sport Agility

:: Young Athlete Nutritional Needs



But you know what, you’ll also be face-to-face with your fellow
IYCA colleagues.


You’ll also get to meet me and Pat and Nick.


Create joint venture.


Develop partnerships.


Heck… pitch ME on your ideas.


Back in 2004, I received an email from a man who was very
interested in what I had started with the IYCA and wanted to
know if I could arrange a phone call with him for a few minutes.


That man was Dr. Kwame Brown.


And as you know, he is the current Executive Director for the
IYCA, earns a regular paycheck from the company and has
become an international celebrity in the fitness world.




Have you registered for your chance to have Youth Fitness Business Success yet?


My career was literally made by attending conferences and
creating networks.


In February, you are going to given the perfect opportunity to
do just that.



Just think about all the Networking and Youth Fitness Business opportunities you’re going to be missing
by NOT being there in February…


