
Archive for “Fortunes” Tag

A Youth Fitness Success Story – Part 1


Not only is Dave Gleason the current IYCA Trainer of the Year, he was also the very first Athletic Revolution franchisee.


Dave is in the process of writing a chronicle that explains how he and I met.


How he was highly successful and owned an extremely profitable Personal Training business.


But how the day he heard me make a presentation at a Fitness Conference in 2008 changed his life and business around completely.


How he risked everything… And won.


Read this carefully:



My 17-Year, Incredibly Successful and Profitable Career in the Fitness & Sports Training Industry Took a 180 Degree Turn 2 Years Ago… But My Personal Fulfillment, Bank Account & Future Have Never Been More Glorious…


"I was already making great money," I kept thinking to myself.


My schedule was set and my credibility in the marketplace completely secure.


It wasn’t always like that; I scratched, clawed and stressed for years before I finally hit it big and carved out the career I had always wanted.


But Brian was talking about more than just establishing a career.


He was talking about leaving a legacy.


Empowering a generation.


Becoming a difference maker in the lives of young people.


Shaping the future.


And that’s where the tug-of-war between my common sense intelligence and ‘what it’ emotions started their battle.


"Working with energetic and eager young people everyday," I thought.  My eyes now riveted to the stage.


Changing the fortunes and lives of kids who were overweight.  Guiding them from a place of isolation and depression into the endless world of opportunity.


Helping young athletes excel.  Improve their game.  Remain injury free.  Obtain an elusive college scholarship.


My emotions started to win and I knew, at very least, that a conversation with Brian was necessary.


Looking back, I think I was actually hoping that this conversation would snap me back to my senses



That’s pretty compelling stuff, isn’t it?


Where until you see where Dave’s story concludes!


I’ll email you that tomorrow.


In the meantime, why not click on the link below and inquire about owning your very own Athletic Revolution?


Between now and December 31, you could qualify for 100% financing – which means NO MONEY DOWN!


Click on the link below and schedule a call with me… It costs nothing to ask questions….


… But it could cost you THOUSANDS not to take advantage of incredible offers like this one.


Here’s that link:



—–> http://www.myathleticrevolution.com/free-report/



Check back tomorrow for ‘Part 2’.




The Business of Coaching Young Athletes




Coaching Young Athletes Is Not Enough

It never stops amazing me how much ignorance floats around our
Coaching Young Athletes industry.


I really don’t mean that in a bad way, but the crassness of the
comment is something I need you to take note of.



"Just become a great Coach. That’s all you’ll ever need to make
a living in this field"


"Be the best Coach possible and clients will flock to you"



Are you fully aware how wrong and untrue that is?


Without question, becoming the very best Coach possible is THE
most important ingredient to you both doing right by this profession
and earning the kind of living your worth.


But without business skills, marketing knowledge and operating
systems, your career is literally doomed to fail.


Or at very least, you are 100% condemned to be paid by the hour
for your entire working life.


And while that may not sound horrible to you, it truly is.


What if you get ill and can’t work?


Where do you turn if the economy continues to sink and clients
just don’t have the funds to pay you anymore?


How can you build wealth and retire comfortably?


These are questions we never ask ourselves in this industry
and it drives me crazy.


We are highly trained and well-regarded professionals offering a
necessary service.


How can we continue to do the disservice of not taking our own Coaching Young Athletes
careers seriously?


Well there are some of us who recognize this and want to help
you change your fortunes.



:: Complete business operating systems
:: The ‘dream mentality’ that creates real success
:: Marketing secrets that work every time





Click on the link below and see what I’m talking about –





– Brian