
Archive for “Teenage Athletes” Tag

A Rare Training Program for Young Athletes


‘Rare’ is another way of saying ‘scarcity’.




But scarcity also means a ‘shortage of supply’.


And while I can absolutely assure you that there are no shortages in the supply of ‘Complete Athlete Development’ systems available, I can also positively promise that its rareness is something you simply must consider.


There are some books on Speed & Agility Training that contain fantastic information and practical steps for you to follow.


You can find DVD’s and video products that show you how to incorporate optimal Strength Training into the conditioning programs for your athletes.


And if you search hard (and long) enough, you’ll likely come across some resources that help you understand how to build maximal Coordination and Movement Skill into your youth participants, also.


But all of that (and then some) in one complete system?


As rare and uncommon as it gets.



Young Athletes & Coordination – Part 3


Young Athletes & Coordination Series

Here is the third and final portion of ‘Young Athletes & Coordination’:


(3) Teenage Athletes Are ‘Too Old’


Now, while there is truth to the matter that many of the sensitive periods for coordination development lay during the preadolescent phase of life, it would be shortsighted to suggest that teenage athletes should not be exposed to this type of training.


Firstly, much of the training of coordination takes the form of injury preventative.  Any sort of ‘balance’ exercise, for example, requires proprioceptive conditioning and increases in stabilizer recruitment.  With ‘synchronization of movement’, large ROM and mobility work is necessary.  ‘Kinesthetic differentiation’, by definition, involves sub-maximal efforts or ‘fine-touch’ capacity which is a drastically different stimulus than most young athletes are used to in training settings.

