Youth Soccer Training For ‘elite’ players.
Does the methodology change?
If so, how?
Watch and find out:
Is “Linear Speed Training” A Mistake?
Here’s the Answer ==>
Posted on: March 28th, 2011 by IYCA 1 Comment
Does the methodology change?
If so, how?
Watch and find out:
Is “Linear Speed Training” A Mistake?
Here’s the Answer ==>
Posted on: August 10th, 2009 by IYCA 10 Comments
So I was in Long Beach California last week giving a talk at the Perform
Better Summit on the state of youth fitness and sports training.
I got to the portion of my presentation where I hash out the difference
between Principles and Results when it comes to fitness and the
objectives we carry for our client or young athletes success.
I have long maintained that we are far too results-focused and that, in
fact, results are quite easy to achieve when it comes to fitness-related
But they are often short-lived and extremely temporary because they
are unilaterally pursued and not anchored by the realities of principle-based
Simply put, it’s very easy to have a young person lose 10 pounds or
increase their vertical jump by 4 inches in a short-period of time, but
if we do not focus on the long-term success points and create training
routines appropriate to that, then any of the "goals" we achieve will be
gone almost as quickly as they came.
Got me thinking…
How backwards is our industry?
Consistently promising any and all who will listen that we have their
And it is an "EASY" solution that will only require a "MINIMAL" amount
of work on their part and show results in a very "SHORT" period of time.
Are we really that messed up or am I dreaming up this problem?
What say you?
Let me know below:
Posted on: February 2nd, 2009 by IYCA No Comments
Developing young athletes is not based solely on a given conditioning
coach’s understanding of scientifically valid measures of motor stimulus,
strength training or flexibility exercises. In fact, it could be argued that
given all of the critical information contained in this textbook on exercise
selection, methodology and sensitive period development, successful
coaches will be the ones who can teach and relay information to young
athletes well, more so than the coach who merely reads and digests the
scientific information offered via clinical research.
The science of developing young athletes, then, is centered in the particular
technical information associated with pediatric exercise science whereas
the art of developing a young athlete is based on a coach’s ability to teach.
There are several styles of coaching that do not adequately serve to aid in
a young athlete developing skill, yet are none-the-less common amongst
North American coaches and trainers.
An example of this would be the ‘Command Coach’. Command coaches
presume that the young athlete is a submissive receiver of instruction. The
instructions given and information offered moves in one direction only:
from the coach to the athlete. Coaches who display this habit believe that
coaching success is based on how well the athlete can reproduce the skills
as taught or demonstrated by the coach.
Posted on: January 23rd, 2009 by IYCA 2 Comments
Why hold on to the ‘norm’?
What’s the point of doing what everyone else always has?
Case in point.
I’ve worked with literally dozens of different high schools
over the past several years and almost always have been
asked to ‘add’ to there already existing programs rather
than re-create a system that I know will work better.
It takes time, but eventually the Coaching staff come to
learn that my style of athletic development works better
than what they currently have and turn the reigns
completely over to me.
And when that happens, do you know what my first step
is in changing the face of their youth conditioning programs and methods?
I separate the freshmen from everyone else.
High school represents a perfect developmental model.
4-years of having the same athletes – guaranteed.
So rather than making the young 14 year olds perform the
same lifts as the 18 year old seniors (and with the same
zeal of heavy loads) I remove them from the equation and
train them as a separate group.
We work on things like summation of forces, lift technique
and speed/agility basics.
This gives them a solid foundation on which to grow and
ensures they don’t get caught up in the ‘how much can you
lift’ world of high school athletics.
By the time they are sophomores, they are much better
equipped to handle loads and perform lifts with more
accuracy and precision.
Now this methodology flies in the face of what most high
school athletic programs do.
But trust me when I say that it’s a much superior system.
Carlos Alvarez, looked at as the best high school
strength coach in the entire United States, will be discussing
topics just like this one next month at our International Summit.
MORE than worth taking a look at –
Have a great weekend!
Posted on: May 19th, 2008 by IYCA No Comments
It’s D-Day for you, my friend…
One of those ‘no turning back now’ moments we all face from time
to time.
I’m ready to come clean.
And here it is…
My life has changed like you wouldn’t believe over the past 4
Changes that I really never expected.
To say that I am sorry they came would be a lie, though.
Where my life is now is just so much better and more focused
than it ever has been before.
And if you’ve met me at some point in the past, you know how
big a statement that is.
I’ve always been a ‘glass half full’ kind of guy.
Ever since that day my Dad told me what has now become a
famous quote in our industry:
Some view things as they are and say, why?
I dream of things that have never been and say, why not?
I have been a dedicated and ‘never-say-die’ kind of man since
And it’s extended into my professional life.
Why can’t I be the guy who tells people to stop bickering about
which methodology works best and instead focus on communicating
and developing relationships with their young clients?
Why can’t I create a revolution that inspires every fitness
professional on the planet to take action.
The fact is… I can (thanks Dad!).
And what started 4 months ago is coming to a climax for you right now.
I’ll be brief in the summary:
I’ve turned the IYCA into a cutting-edge organization that is
built on PROVIDING FOR people… Not ASKING FROM them.
Paying for educational materials is fine.
Keeping current with CEU’s is great.
But what have my membership fees gotten me?
What has ‘belonging’ to various certification company’s ever
done for my career?
Why are they all so faceless and sterile?
What started 4 months ago was a literal revolution in my brain.
One of those ‘flickering ideas’ that eventually starts taking
Build the IYCA into an organization that people are PROUD to be
part of because:
You providing a ‘personal touch’ is at the core of the mission
You don’t ‘over charge’ – you ‘over deliver’
You create actual opportunity, jobs and professional growth
You allow people to teach your concepts worldwide and get paid
You teach professionals how to run successful businesses
The kind of hands-on success mentoring that doesn’t exist now in
our industry.
The revolution has started and you’re about to become part of it.
Later this week, I will let you in on the little secret that the
entire fitness industry has been talking about…
YOUR chance to become certified through the IYCA Level 1 Youth Fitness
Specialist course.
And it will be a very exclusive offer for you.
Through my professional colleagues, over 750,000 fitness
professionals throughout the world find out about our
Level 1 course each month.
And they are all hungry to jump on board.
Not only is ‘youth fitness and sport training’ considered the
number one exploding niche in our industry, but the IYCA has
become the one organization that provides you with MUCH MORE
than just some letters after your last name.
Here’s the problem…
… And this is fair warning so you can’t be upset if you get
left behind.
750,000 will receive the invitation every month.
But we only allow 500 to "get in".
Quality Service
Quality Customer Care
Quality Control
Quality Attention
I’ve taken a personal inventory of the IYCA’s human resources
and determined that ‘500’ per month is our max number of members at this
At 501, our ability to serve you better than any other
organization on the planet starts to falter.
And I won’t have that.
So consider this your very fair and very reasonable warning.
Stay by your emails this week.
Sometime over the next few days, I will open the door for you.
The Level 1 Youth Fitness Specialist certification will be
offered to you and your career will change forever.
If you’re somewhere between 1 – 500, that is.
Look for an email from me ( Brian Grasso) that says in the
subject line –
The Revolution Has Started
Open that email and be prepared to take action.
Want to see how big the IYCA is getting?
Read this testimonial…
* * * * * * *
"Brian Grasso is a voice of reason and beacon of hope for anyone
who wants kids to develop fitness patterns for life"
Tom Farrey, ESPN
* * * * * * *
ESPN, my friend.
Getting the picture yet?
When is the last time you heard a youth fitness certification company
being endorsed by a major sporting media entity?
And only one year after being profiled in Newsweek?
Be sure to check your email in-box this week…
YOUR Revolution is about to start…
‘Till next time,