
Archive for “Referral” Tag

Your Top 5 Mistakes in Youth Fitness



Youth Fitness

Summer is the ‘make or break’ time of year.


Without a strong summer of youth fitness or sport training camps working effectively on all levels, you can literally kiss your business progress goodbye.


June, July and August represent your greatest potential to have a revenue spike.


They are the months that will see the most number of new young clients walk through your door (at least hopefully).


They are when the seeds will be sown for your business success the remaining nine months of the year.


And yet every single year at this time, mistakes are being made.


I guarantee that you are making mistakes yourself.


Here are the ‘Top 5’ things you need to be concerned about:



How Much Should I Charge For Speed Training?

Speed Training Business Tips

Hi Brian,


Erik here. I am currently waiting my approval on the level 1 IYCA Speed cert. Long story short. I am in a new area and have begun to approach facilities, coaches, organizations to be the go to guy for speed training.


I have a meeting set up with a baseball center and they want me to put together a proposal for them immediately.


So my question is, in an area that is very wealthy what would be the best way to go about pricing this?


Per month, in blocks eg, 12, 24, 50 sessions, and basic idea of what to charge?


I know loaded questions, but I figured I would ask.


Keep up the awesome work.


Yours in speed,


