
Archive for “Seeds” Tag

The X’s and O’s of Training Young Athletes


Training Young Athletes

What a young organism needs to experience in the way of physical stimulus can largely be deduced by chronological age.  Certainly biological age (relative body maturation), emotional age (psychological maturation) and even personality (temperament) can all be factored into the equation, but I have found in my 13 year career that chronological age determents can be successfully applied in 90% of the cases – the remaining 10% can be accounted for through proper coaching and identification.


Having said all that, the following is a brief rundown of the physical needs of ‘kids’ based on chronological age:



Your Top 5 Mistakes in Youth Fitness



Youth Fitness

Summer is the ‘make or break’ time of year.


Without a strong summer of youth fitness or sport training camps working effectively on all levels, you can literally kiss your business progress goodbye.


June, July and August represent your greatest potential to have a revenue spike.


They are the months that will see the most number of new young clients walk through your door (at least hopefully).


They are when the seeds will be sown for your business success the remaining nine months of the year.


And yet every single year at this time, mistakes are being made.


I guarantee that you are making mistakes yourself.


Here are the ‘Top 5’ things you need to be concerned about:

