
Archive for “Lateral Move” Tag

Alternative Methods for Training Explosive Strength To High School Athletes



High School Athletes Strength Training



high school athletes

By Wil Fleming

Nearly all high school athletes, with very few exceptions, need to
develop explosive strength.



The instances in which the skill of explosive strength are used in
sports are endless, but when used “explosiveness” is very apparent.


A linemen firing off from their stance.


A soccer player rising above his opponents to head a ball toward goal.


A volleyball player making a quick lateral move to reach for the dig.


Instances of explosive strength are very vivid when used and typically are a part of a game changing play.


Typically I would now talk about the importance of Olympic lifts, but in some instances using a barbell is not possible due to equipment limitations or even the readiness of the athlete. In those instances, the need for High School Athletes does not diminish, but the need for creativity does increase.

