
Archive for “Philosophies” Tag

Sell ’em what they want, give them what they need!




by Ryan Ketchum


The more and more business coaching that I do for IYCA members, mastermind members, and franchisees the more I realize that our training philosophies and mindset sometimes get in the way of us running a great business.   I am prepared to be tarred and feathered, put in the stockades and any other form of medieval punishment that the loyal IYCA readers are going to put me through for delivering the message that I am about to write. 


Before you jump to conclusions and go into a tizzy about long term athletic development and building a training foundation I want you to read the entire message.  That is my challenge to you…


Before I really get into the idea of selling the customer what they want I have to start by saying that I am on your side.


Youth fitness and athletic development should be implemented with the long term development of the athlete in mind.   I am not claiming that you should run your programs any differently than this nor am I urging you to lie, cheat and steal from parents.


Take a deep breath and open up your mind for a bit because I am going to feel you in on a little secret that might change your youth fitness business forever!



The Training Template Secret


It’s great to watch a video or DVD and see what a quality training session is supposed to look like.


I always enjoy having exercise photographs at my fingertips with a visual representation of what each rep should look like along the way.


I also adore being able to read key information about what the Coach or Trainer was thinking when they designed a particular training program, or what philosophies and concepts they feel are important with respect to Speed, Strength, Coordination, Mobility, Flexibility and Injury Prevention.


And I especially love being given ‘sample programs’.


A literal “here, just do this because it works” roadmap for success.


You get that and every ounce of the information mentioned above inside my ‘Complete Athlete Development’ system.


But do you know what my favorite part is?



The fact that I took the time to create and develop a Training Template for you.

