[wpfblike] Missing Ingredient in Youth Fitness
From IYCA Columnist and internationally-acclaimed Coach, Wil Fleming:
“If you truly want your athletes to succeed, the IYCA nutrition certification is an absolute must! The IYCA Nutrition Certification is just one more thing in a long line that the IYCA has produced to help those in the youth fitness industry become more complete professionals. The information contained in the certification is practical, and easy to implement to give your athletes the best tools to succeed.
“Dr. Chris Mohr presents the information in an easy to understand and straightforward manner, it does not need to be ‘dumbed down’ upon delivering it to your athletes, it is ready to go right then.”
One more recap:
1) 5 Hours of DVD Content
2) Corresponding Manual
3) Audio: The Good, Bad & Ugly of Protein for Young Athletes
4) Audio: Cutting Weight: The Safe & Effective Way
5) Audio: Exclusive Q & A
6) SPECIAL BONUS: Fuel Like a Champion DVD
This certification retails at $297.00.
But until TOMORROW, all you will have to pay is shipping.
$14.95 and then $75 a month for 4 months after that.
If you decide at any time in the next 365 days that this certification and its incredible content isn’t for you, all you need to do is return the material and you’ll receive a 100% refund. No questions asked.
Better yet, you’ll get to keep the digital version of “Fuel Like a Champion”.
This is a no-risk offer.
Click Below Right Now:
Now, I admit that I studied, researched and practically applied training principles in my career more than I ever truly paid attention to nutrition specifics.
But that being said, I personally learned more from this youth fitness course than any I have ever taken…
Click Here to See What I Mean —> https://iyca.org/Nutrition
Have a great weekend!