
Archive for “Belief” Tag

Goal Setting for Young Athletes

Young Athletes Goals and Dreams

Dreams and ambition are great.


But how many times have you established a goal for yourself and not completed it?


I’ll bet that number totals into the dozens.


You start the process, get ultra-excited, amped-up beyond belief…


… And then…




You kind of get started, but not really.


You sort of create a plan, but never really follow it.


You get confused, overwhelmed, discouraged and then… JUST STOP.


Been there myself.



Kids Fitness Professionals: 3 Words to Change Your Life




Kids Fitness coaching principles

Here they are –


1) Integrity


Personal honor, consistence in applying your personal values

to every action.


Every young person I train is important.


They require and deserve attention and my very best.


In the highest value of integrity, I care deeply about every single

young athlete I have ever worked with and given them everything

I had in order to make them better.


I applied the same sense of integrity when creating the IYCA.

