
Archive for “Freedom” Tag

Fitness Pros and Time Management


[wpfblike] Fitness Pros

Month/Year- January 2011


Name of Book – No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs


Author – Dan Kennedy


Fitness Pros Top 3 Key Points:



The Training Template Secret


It’s great to watch a video or DVD and see what a quality training session is supposed to look like.


I always enjoy having exercise photographs at my fingertips with a visual representation of what each rep should look like along the way.


I also adore being able to read key information about what the Coach or Trainer was thinking when they designed a particular training program, or what philosophies and concepts they feel are important with respect to Speed, Strength, Coordination, Mobility, Flexibility and Injury Prevention.


And I especially love being given ‘sample programs’.


A literal “here, just do this because it works” roadmap for success.


You get that and every ounce of the information mentioned above inside my ‘Complete Athlete Development’ system.


But do you know what my favorite part is?



The fact that I took the time to create and develop a Training Template for you.



Young Athletes: Individual and Team Training – Mutually Exclusive?




Young Athletes Coaching

I have seen a fair amount of discussion on the merits of individual long term training vs. team long term training.  I will submit a later entry to compare short term vs. long term training.  My question is:  Why do any of these things have to be mutually exclusive?


All I want to do here is share some approaches I or associates have used in the past with my young athletes:


Whole team long term training:


The positives: There is a long term relationship where the team can get used to a certain approach.  You get to interact with the kids possibly throughout the critical athletic development years.  Additionally, kids get to train with each other, and build team camaraderie.  This approach can make training more affordable, and possibly result in more revenue.


The negatives (dependent on number of coaches and approach):  Less one-one attention and some movement difficulties can fall through the cracks.  There is less flexibility of routine and adjustment to routine when training a whole team (though the long term part of it helps to ease that a little).


Individual long term training:


Positives: There is a long term relationship where the coach can closely monitor the student.  Movement difficulties can be more easily addressed.  There is total freedom in adjusting to what makes this particular child “tick”.

