
Archive for “Backdrop” Tag

Making Youth Training Work No Matter What


Youth Training Systems

Youth Training


(1) Create An Ascension System


Prior to my arrival, if you watched the Novice Teams (8 – 11 years old) go through their conditioning regime and then you watched the Senior Team (16 – 18) right after, you’d have trouble distinguishing the difference.


Exercise Selection.




Coaching Style/Intensity.


Across the board; identical.



Youth Fitness Training vs Long Term Athletic Development – Part 2


Youth Fitness

B) Using Socially Accepted Language to Create Understanding – Why Long Term Approaches are Necessary


Most consumers (parents and coaches) are truly unaware of what quality athletic development training should look like.  They have been conditioned through media and by our industry’s lack of foresight, to believe in the ‘one-and-gun’ style of "6-Week Programs to Increased Speed".


Having said that, trying to explain verbiage such as ‘Long-Term Athlete Development’ or ‘Developmental System’ won’t typically bridge an understanding to your prospects insofar as what makes the IYCA so unique and effective.


I have incurred great success by drawing parallels to some type of societal norm that layman already understand and are familiar with.


In the case of pediatric and adolescent clients, school represents your best case scenario.


When explaining the long-term approach to the IYCA Developmental Training System, your points should take on two separate but concentrated forms:

