
Youth Speed Training Expert Opinions
Coach Robert Dos Remedios is considered one of the best Strength Coaches in College sports.
And he agrees.
So does Sue Falsone.

Sue is the former Head Physical Therapist for the Los Angeles Dodgers and current Director of Physical Therapy for the vaunted ‘Athletes Performance’ facility in Arizona.
The ability of an athlete to become ‘elite’, ‘professional’ or ‘world-class’ is based almost entirely on what kind of development happened when they were young.
Coach Dos explained to me how puzzled and frustrated his is year-in and year-out to have all-state high school athletes come in as freshmen to his program…
… Only to be lacking in the BASICS of speed, agility and strength.
As far as he’s concerned the ‘Mistakes’ we make at the youth level from a Speed & Agility Training perspective are: