
Archive for “Time Coach” Tag

Coaching Young Athletes and my Memories




Coaching Young Athletes


It truly is sad that my full-time coaching young athletes days are behind me.


I love to Coach.


I love it from every aspect and angle.


The relationships you build with your athletes.


The friendships you develop with their families.


The sense of pride you get from watching your athletes succeed.


The feelings of intense dedication you get from working "over-time"
trying to figure out how to communicate better with some of the
kids in your care.


I’ve been blessed to an extraordinary level and will always wear the
brand of "Coach" with great pride and distinction.


But the IYCA has taken my career a different direction.


No less exciting.


No less fulfilling.


And certainly no less challenging.


But I admit to longing for the days of waking up at the crack of dawn
and meeting my sleepy-eyed, yet eager athletes at the gym for a
spirited morning session.


I miss everything about being a full-time Coach.


And that’s why I’m going to indulge you (or perhaps it’s you indulging
me!) over the next few days with stories and recounts of some of the
most memorable days I spent when my name wasn’t "Brian Grasso"
"CEO" or "Founder".


I was known simply by one word…






It’s going to be a bittersweet stroll down memory lane for me, to be sure,
but one that;

I guarantee will entertain and be laced with lessons that you
can use in your own coaching young athletes practice.


In the meantime, indulge me with a quick story about your coaching life.


A funny tale.


Serious lesson you learned.


Anything you choose to share.


I will be reading with great enthusiasm and a touch of envy.


Tell me a quick story about your coaching days below –


13-years of in the trenches are over, but the culmination of the
lessons I learned and information I’ve gathered is alive and well.


Click here to understand more about what I’ve learned from my
"in the trenches" training and coaching experience