
Archive for “Success Book” Tag

Youth Fitness Training and Business Thoughts: Day 1 Was a Success…




Youth Fitness Training lessons from Obama

Yesterday I wrote about the ‘winds of change’ as Barack
Obama took office as President of the United States.


Did you catch any of the headlines or stories about what
he did in his first day on the job?


Without going into any details, simply put, he made changes.


And whether you like his politics or not, he promised change
and on Day 1, certainly delivered.


Now, here’s what I like about that….


He sent a clear and defining message that he intends to
take action.


It would be very easy to blame the economic crisis on the
past administration.


Simple to throws his hands up and say ‘well what am I
supposed to do’ with the war in Irag.


Or easier yet to cry innocent on the obvious dislike that
occurs between political parties in this country rather than
try to build bridges and close gaps.


But instead, he’s opted to take action.


And while the history books have yet to reveal the scope
of his Presidency’s success, I can assure you that the
only people who ever become successful in this world
are the one’s who don’t point fingers, created excuses
or blame circumstances for their plight in life.


They take responsibility for it all, understand that they
are in charge of their own destiny’s and act on what
they know will serve them.


The IYCA International Summit will be a landmark event.


Cutting edge information related to youth fitness training and youth fitness business


Sure fire strategies to increased profits and career


Better yet, a comprehensive manual that we are quietly
calling the ‘Blueprint for Success Book’ – a literal step-
by-step manual for what you do the second you walk out
the door from the Youth Fitness Training Summit in order to put what you
learned into action.


In short, a weekend full of guarantees.




Why aren’t you coming?


Success only comes to those youth fitness training business owners who take action.


Period.  End of story.


Register now by clicking on the link below –





