As with anything, the degree to which you can successfully build upwards is solely determined by the strength, depth and solidification of your foundation…
This leads me to my first metaphor…
Don’t Rush Grade 2
Posted on: December 20th, 2010 by IYCA No Comments
As with anything, the degree to which you can successfully build upwards is solely determined by the strength, depth and solidification of your foundation…
This leads me to my first metaphor…
Don’t Rush Grade 2
Posted on: September 19th, 2010 by IYCA No Comments
September marks the beginning of yet another long school year for kids all over the world.
I remember distinctly the feelings I had as the lazy summer days came to a close and the word ‘responsibility’ started
circulating through my daily thoughts.
Responsibility to wake up earlier than I had been used to.
Get to class on time.
Diligently tend to my homework nightly.