
Youth Sports Conditioning Must Include Skill Development

Youth Sports Conditioning Missing Factor.

I was horrible today.


I stunk out the joint.


My timing was off.


My movements weren’t crisp.


My balance was non-existent.


I took 13 days off of training for my fight in April, and

boy did I notice a difference.


My conditioning was fine.


I wasn’t breathing too heavy or feeling out of shape.


But my SKILL LEVEL had dropped something awful.


The combination of my travel schedule, workload and a

cold thrown in there had left me unable to meet up with

my Coach for nearly two full weeks.


And the layoff was 100% noticeable.


The experience actually got me thinking about the way

we train kids for Youth Sports Conditioning.


With our ‘quick fix’ programs or ‘give me 6-weeks and

I’ll increase your vertical’ training systems.


We’re robbing kids of skill.


We’re placing an over-emphasis on their conditioning

and completely negating their skills and abilities.


Because skill takes time to develop.


Moreover, as I learned firsthand today, skill takes

consistency to make right.


I’ve been training for my fight for the past 7 weeks.


And after only 13 days off, I had decreased my skill

levels noticeably.


That’s the problem.


We still look at the process training young athletes

as a conditioning path.


It’s not.


It’s a skill acquisition path.


And that perspective difference is paramount.


When we sell young athletes on short term training

programs, what we are selling is little more than

improved conditioning.


We can’t possibly effective skill in 6-weeks.


And if we do, it’s short-lived and temporary.


Make no mistake about it either.


Strength is a skill.


Speed is a skill.


Agility is a skill.


And to truly become proficient at them, we must treat

them like skills.

  Youth Sports Conditioning must be taught, practiced and improved upon over



It’s not how much you lift or how quickly you can

navigate through cones, it’s how well and efficiently

you perform it.


Lapses in skill or technique place a ceiling on the

young athlete and limits their ability to improve beyond

where they are now.


And that’s why we can’t sell 6-week programs.


We have to make sure that our young athletes consistently

train throughout the year.


So that skill doesn’t begin to fade.


The IYCA training protocol and developmental system

is based on a 3-tiered approach:


1. Guided Discovery

:: Outcome-Based Coaching

:: Global Stimulus

:: Organized Play


2. Learning Exploration

:: Hybrid of Outcome and Form-Based Coaching

:: Advanced Coordination

:: Technique Introduction and Development


3. Training with Application

:: Form-Based Coaching

:: Applied and Specific Training

:: Introduction to Complexes



Each of these phases of training are primarily based on

the chronological age of the young athlete.


Other factors such as Training Age, Biological Age and

Emotional Maturity also gets factored in.


As I found out today, time away from training results in

a diminishing of skill.


And skill development must be the number one consideration

when training young athletes.


Look into the IYCA Level 1 Youth Fitness Specialist

certification in order to understand the basis of our

highly effective system.


Our young athletes are the best and have Youth Sports Conditioning Pure and simple.


And it’s because we understand how to develop them.


Here’s an exclusive link for you –





Tomorrow I’ll explain how we categorize our young athletes

into the groups mentioned above.


It’s going to be an eye-opener for you.



‘Till next time,



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