
Archive for “Lament” Tag

Youth Fitness Specialist: Seize the Day




Youth Fitness Specialist Certification with the IYCA

Dead Poets Society is one of my favorite movies of all


Have you ever seen it?


Robin Williams plays a rather eccentric English teacher
at a very conservative private school in the Northeastern
portion of the United States.


And he has a way of ‘sticking out’.


The students adore him.  He is funny, quick witted and
makes the material he is teaching literally jump alive
through passion and humor.


The faculty see him altogether differently.


He is against the norm.


Not strict enough in an iron-fisted sort of way.


They resent the bond he strikes up with his students
and lament at the fact that they don’t ‘fear’ him like
they should.


One of the most memorable moments in that movie comes
towards the beginning of the first few opening scenes.


He is addressing his class and showing them photographs
of former students of the school – many of which were
taken decades ago and the people in them long since


I remember watching with great intrigue as the scene
unfolded, knowing that there was to be a significant
lesson involved.


"Do you know what these photographs would say to you
if they could talk, boys?"


I remember this line very well. 


It was almost like I knew I was about to learn something
of great importance.


"They’d say, Carpe Diem…. Seize the Day"


Now, that Latin saying has gone on to be a very
commonly known part of English vernacular, in large
part of because of Dead Poets Society.


And it’s meaning has become a rallying cry for thousands
of business and life ‘go getters’ worldwide.


Seize the Day.


If this were your last day on earth…


If your life was perfect, it would look like…


I bring this all up to illustrate a point.


That you can have everything you want in life so long
as you commit to going after it.


But you must act.


You must take action.


You must Seize the Day.


"I don’t know if I want to spend the money to get the
IYCA Level 1 Youth Fitness Specialist certification"
I hear this all the time.


But this is the fastest growing niche in the entire
fitness industry and becoming more saturated by the


To make your mark and ensure a successful career, you
need to act now…. Not consider things over and over
again and wait for some kind of ‘sign’ in order to
make your final decision .


Certainly making a decision requires a reasonable amount
of thinking and consideration, but not to a point that it
hinders your desire and need to move forward.


Many people believe that the mark of a savvy consumer
is in the deliberate and slow process they use in
deciding whether or not to make a purchase.


But that’s not savvy.


That’s indecisive.


And in the end, indecision will cost you significantly
more than making a thoughtful, yet expedited determination.


Especially when a ‘good deal’ is staring you straight in
the face.


On Tuesday, the IYCA Level 1 – Youth Fitness Specialist
certification is going up in price.


Period. End of story.


But today, you have an opportunity to become part of
the fastest growing fitness organization and work in the
fastest growing and most lucrative portion of the fitness


For the lowest price possible.


Last chance.


24 hours.


End of the line.


So will you Seize the Day?


Realize that the excuses you keep conjuring up are nothing
more than you delaying on creating a successful future
for yourself?


Here’s your exclusive link to secure your lowest
possible cost –






I’ve been profiled in Newsweek.


Traveled worldwide as a consultant.


Written two books that have been sold in 6 different


Become known as the ‘go to guy’ for youth fitness and
sports training.


And every morning when I wake up, I repeat the phrase
‘Carpe Diem’ for at least 5 minutes.


It reminds me that today is a gift.


That today, I have the ability and opportunity to make
something special happen.


And my accomplishments are a direct result of that.


It’s time to Seize the Day.


Opportunity doesn’t wait forever.


And In this case, it’s only going to wait 24 more hours.


Here’s that link one more time –





‘Till next time,

