
Rotational Power Development for Hitting & Throwing Sports

Rotational Power Development for Hitting & Throwing Sports can be overlooked but it is extremely beneficial for sports like baseball, softball, football, track, basketball and many others.

In this blog we will cover four movements to develop rotational power.

Rotation movements help to develop coordination in young athletes by learning how to use the kinetic chain (whole body) to develop force.

The ability to develop more ground reaction force and transfer that force to the other side of the body, is a beneficial skill to develop. Typically movements are performed with a lighter percentage of weight (Barbell, Cable, Medicine Ball) at a high velocity.

It is important that movements are performed with maximum intent to achieve greater stimulus.

Four Movements to Develop Rotational Power

Landmine Rotational Press (VIDEO)

Using a Barbell with a landmine attachment the athlete will start in a hip hinge position with one hand on the end of the bar facing laterally. The goal is to transfer the bar into the opposite hand in full extension as quickly as possible.

Athletes have to drive force into the ground and use the hips to rotate while transferring weight to the lead leg. This movement requires power and coordination to move the bar fast.

Cable Rotation (VIDEO)

Having power and stability throughout the core of an athlete is an important component to performance and injury prevention.

This exercise involves using the core along with the hips to rotate the load of the cable with the arms with high velocity.

Perform cable rotations from various heights and angles to develop power in planes of movement the athlete will use in their sport.

Rotational Box/Broad Jump (VIDEO)

Rotational box/broad jumps are bodyweight movements where athletes can learn how to load and drive off mostly one leg, while controlling their upper body/landing mechanics.

These movements include a quick eccentric to concentric transfer of force to jump vertically or horizontally.

Track progress by measuring broad jump length/box jump height.

MB Rotation/Scoop Toss (VIDEO)

Medicine ball slams/tosses are an extremely versatile tool for rotational power development.

Standing rotation slam includes lifting the ball overhead and rotating the hips to slam the ball to the side of the foot as hard as possible.

Allow the hips to rotate while transitioning overhead to develop more power in the slam.

MB Scoop toss is another great exercise that includes setting up lateral to a wall and rotating the torso and hips to throw the ball with high velocity against the wall. A MB of 6-20 pounds is a good range for high school athletes.

Author: Lucas Mayo, MS, CSCS

Lucas Mayo is the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Brighton High School for Impact Sports Performance. Lucas is certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

Lucas earned his Master’s degree in Sport Coaching and Leadership with a concentration in Strength and Conditioning.

Using methods based on research and experience, his mission is to aid in the positive mental and physical development of the athlete or individual over the course of their lifespan.

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