
Youth Training Templates for Ages 6-9

Easy-to-Follow and Very Fun Youth Training Templates

By Dave Gleason

Dave Gleason shares some tried and true youth training templates for ages 6-9

As a coach, I’m sure you agree that although each kid is unique, having a tried-and-true youth training template to work off can spark a lot of fun and innovation in your sessions. So I’m going to do my best today to give you something valuable that will serve you for a long time.

The athletes in our Discovery classes are generally ranging in age from 6-9 years old. There are commonalities as well as the potential for vast differences between the participants in this stage.

Using our program templates we can ensure that all participants in this stage are having a remarkable experience while they are discovering human movement. The self discovery aspect of this stage is crucial. Taking advantage of a plastic central nervous system our programming should be wide ranging and varied in order to develop a broad base for future mastery of movement skills.

Keeping that in mind, there are certain factors we need to be mindful of when creating your programs. Using a template system sets you and your young athletes up for ultimate success.

Below are the parameters to work with in the form of a template with examples of activities and or further elements to consider when creating your programs.

There always exists the risk of an activity being able to be applied to more than one category. This is perfectly acceptable as long is there is justification for where you place a specific exercise… this is the art of coaching.

Body Awareness/Movement Exploration

Monster Walks (Lunge Walks)

Bear crawls

Monkey Walks

Monkey Bars

Dragon Walks

Log Rolls

Side Shuffle


Object Manipulation

Medicine Balls

Battle Ropes

Hula Hoops


Dodge Balls

Tennis Balls

PVC Pipes

Resistance Bands




Rhythm Machine

Clap Jacks


Helicopter Variations

“Coach Says”




Holding Positions


Balance Beams

Around the World

Scramble to Balance

Spatial Awareness

Tag Variations

Dodgeball Variations

Kinesthetic Differentiation

Jump to line

Target games

Game Play/Cooperation

All of the above plus an endless supply of childhood movement based games such as:




Sorting/gathering games

Tag Variations

Capture the Flag

Duck Duck Goose

Tug o War

Target Games

Make sure you allow you young athletes to be creative and take ownership over what they come up with.  Some of your best activities will come from the minds of your athletes.  Continue to observe with a watchful eye because you never know when you will be shown an absolute gem of an exercise!

Keep changing lives!

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