
Youth Fitness: The "Quality vs. Quantity" Mistake



Here’s what IYCA Member Paul Clarke had to say in response to my
question about the biggest problem in youth fitness and sport training:


"The major problem in youth fitness as I see it is coaches that advocate and live the
mantra of working harder instead of smarter. Invariably this leads to
a quantity over quality approach


I couldn’t agree more with Paul.


It’s being popularized in a different circle right now, but for roughly
ten years, I’ve been saying….


Any fool can make a young athlete tired, but it takes a real COACH
to make them better.


My first job out of college was as a Performance Coach at a training
center for professional, Olympic and National Team athletes in Canada.


We also did a lot of work with young athletes.


One of my first meetings as a staff member at this facility is a moment
in time that I will truly never forget.


The Head Performance Coach was suggesting that we needed to work
a touch harder as a group in order to "beef up our v-factor points" for
this coming month.


Being new and open to learning as much as I could, I naturally inquired
about what that meant (figuring it had to do with some sort of super secret
training system!)


"Shocked" and "confused" are the only two words I can think of when
I was given the definition.


A "V-Point" was something that each of us youth fitness Coaches were awarded
when we trained a young athlete hard enough so they puked.




Tossed Cookies.


You get my point.


But the truly disturbing thing is that here in 2009, a full decade and change
later, there are many facilities and Coaches that still live by that mantra.


Disgusting isn’t the word….


But Stupid comes to mind.


Blunt, I know, but if we aren’t prepared to advocate for kids and teenagers
than what exactly are we doing this for?



‘Till next time,




PS – End the insanity and become part of the revolution.


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