
Youth Fitness Certification Conference: My Weekend in New York City

Youth Fitness Certification Seminar In New York.

Manhattan is a great place.


I just got back from a 3-day jaunt through this fantastic

part of the U.S. – I spoke at the Town Sports International

annual conference.


And as I mentioned to you last week, I was also asked to offer

a pre-conference ‘Level 1 – Youth Fitness Certification’

seminar to all interested TSI employees.


So this past Friday, Dr. Kwame Brown and myself spent 7 hours

teaching 56 eager Fitness Professionals all about the

IYCA training system and protocols.


And once again, it was to rave reviews.


Now I don’t say that to sound cocky or arrogant at all.


Just a point of reference that shows how much this

industry is changing.


Assessments are still important.


Programming is still on demand.


Group Training specifics are a constant topic of interest.


But by far and away, the niche of youth fitness and

sport training has become the ‘thing’ Fitness Professionals

most want to know about.


And for good reason.


It’s the fastest growing market in this industry.


For Trainers who earn just above the poverty level (which

is most of us), an emerging and untapped market is a

literal miracle.


Especially a market whose demographic is in dire need

of help and face a tremendous crisis.


56 Fitness Professionals got certified through the IYCA

on Friday.


Another 103 came to my two seminars the very next day.


That’s a grand total of 159 new or soon-to-be-new Members

of the IYCA.


We are the fastest growing organization in this industry.


Because we service the fastest growing market.


It’s a perfect match.


An organization who will give you every training and

business tool necessary to succeed in a market that is

both vast an untapped.


Here’s an email I received from one of the Fitness


Professionals who was in my audience this past weekend –


“I just wanted to give you a big hug after your lecture and

ask if you could clone yourself so you could be in more

places at one time… Thank you for what you have done and

your wonderful attributes to the children of the world! You

are a true hero!!”


I sure do appreciate that email.


It feels good to have such an impact on people.


But bigger than that, I know that my efforts and the

efforts of the IYCA  and the Youth Fitness Certification are starting to pay off.


We gain new Members daily – 159 this past weekend alone.


And we are building a virtual army of dedicated and

highly trained professionals to combat what has become

a virtual epidemic worldwide.


You know, another audience member of mine asked me an

interesting question after one of talks this past weekend

that I wanted to share with you.


She came up to me and said this –


“I’ve been thinking about becoming certified as a Youth

Fitness Specialist for a few months now. Cut to the chase

for me…. Why should I?”


“Interesting question” I replied.


“My answer is simple. Why wouldn’t you?”


Quite simply, untapped markets don’t stay

untapped for very long.


Savvy (and successful) professionals know when to act

and take advantage of a market trend while its on the



Not too long from now, their will be ‘Youth Fitness

Specialists’ by the thousands all over the world.


And your opportunity to become the first and best

in your community will be gone forever.


Isn’t $247 and a money back guarantee if you aren’t

satisfied worth the risk?


It was to King Hoover of Dallas, Texas and look what’s

happened to his career –




‘Till next time,



One Response

  1. Liz says:

    Brian, I look forward with great excitement to help spread the IYCA message! In fact, I’d like to share with you an idea that will have some far-reaching effects among families. Feel free to contact me and we can discuss it. Keep up the excellent work!

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