
Young Athletes, Coaches and Parents

Dave Gleason.


A World-Class Coach.


And without question, a World-Class Dad.


I’ve had the honor of getting to know Dave over the past several months and I can attest to both of the above statements without any reservation.


So, and to the point of what Dave and I were discussing…


Can parenthood prepare you to be a quality Coach?


Can coaching prepare you for the role of Mom or Dad?


I’d be interested to know what you think – be sure to leave your comments below:

P.S. – Dave credits the IYCA as having a lot to do with the career success and fulfillment he’s experienced over this past year:


"During the worst economic times the U.S has seen since the Great Depression, the YFS allowed me to pull more money into our household than ever before. As adult clientele could no longer afford to train consistently, our youth programming started with just a few classes and has now grown into a 2500 sq ft facility resulting in over 500 paying visits per month! The YFS is the foundation of education, practical knowledge and credibility that provides the biggest hope for the well being of my family now and in the future. I am more excited about my career now than ever."


Have a look at the IYCA YFS (Youth Fitness Specialist) Certification and see for yourself what Dave is talking about –


Here’s your exclusive link —-> https://iyca.org/fitspecialist1



7 Responses

  1. I became certified as a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist a few years back as part of my move to the fitness business, a life long passion. As an experienced entrepeneur I knew that I needed to find a niche with a large, untapped market; youth fitness and sports training was the direction I saw as the best and biggest opportunity. After lots of research I found the IYCA to be most in line with my philosophy so I became certified as a Youth Fitness Specialist. I was so impressed with their training and philosophy that I soon became certified through their Speed & Agility course and I’m currently working on the Level 2 YFS certification.

    Recently the sports training company I started was hired as the exclusive training company at the Rockingham Athletic Club in Plaistow, NH; a 50,000 square foot athletic development center with everything you could possibly ask for to train all sports at all ages. An opportunity great enough for me to walk away from a six-figure income and take this on full time.

    If you’ve ever had the passion to work with young athletes and experience the fulfilling experience of watching their progression, the IYCA can get you on the right path. Thanks Brian, Kwame, Lee and the rest of the team.

    Darrin Nicoli
    The Next Level Sports Training

  2. Matt says:

    Parenting and coaching don’t exist without each other. The IYCA and professionals like Dave and Eric Chessen are the reason I stay in this field. Since I gotten the YFS 1 and 2 materials I can definitely say I have become a better father and coach.

  3. Orville C. Barnes says:

    I firmly believe that parenting can prepare one to be a good coach, and that coaching can prepare you to be a good mom or dad. The two work very well hand in hand, since they both involve kids, motivating them, guiding them, counseling them, teaching them, being a good role model for them and helping them reach their full potential.

  4. Steven says:

    To be a good parent or a good youth coach, you really have to start by truly liking kids.

    With this prerequisite in place, coaching and parenting can certainly be mutually supporting.

    If this prerequisite is missing, a long list of credentials is not enough.

  5. Joel Garcia says:

    My parents filed for bankruptcy in the early 90’s but thanks to their hard work I still had a baseball glove in my hand. I am so greatfull to my parents for that. I know that what we do is essential to the development of our kids. Regardless of where the DOW is at. If this economy has shown me anything it’s that my personal experience as a kid was not a fluke. People are spending money on their priorities and for parents that means their kids. That’s not a big surprise. But what validates what I do is that parents see and understand the benefit in what youth fitness professionals do. With all the cut backs that parents are making to make ends meet we are important to their kids upbringing that is HUGE deal. Dave congratulations.

  6. Andrew Ryan says:

    Yes coaching & parenting go hand in hand,you have to be patient .Learn to listen better,then you know where you need to improve what your teaching.
    Thanks Andrew

  7. Rick Kaselj says:

    Young athletes perform better under a coach who is sensitive and responsive to their needs, and who is able to nurture and motivate them to achieve their full potential.

    For a coach, this experience could prepare him/her to be a quality parent, and vice versa.

    Rick Kaselj
    The Fitness Professionals Source for Exercises and Injuries

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